Each week I am doing a Pinterest Challenge where you, my readers, nominate projects or recipes for me to try that week. Then I pick my favorite 3 and hold a vote. You can see last week’s Pinterest Challenge project of the Homemade Snickers, here.
Here are my top 3 choices from this week’s nominations, that I need you to vote on. By the way – I appreciate those of you who take the time to nominate and vote! Just leave a comment below, with your vote.
Red Velvet Cheese Ball, with inspiration from Taste and Tell.
Wall sconces, with inspiration from Kifli es levendula.
Easter Eggs, with inspiration from The “Boutique” Girls. I know we’ve got a ways until Easter, but this was nominated and I love it. If it doesn’t get chosen this week, no worries because I WILL make it sometime before Easter.
Please leave a comment below stating which project you would like to see me make. Voting will end tonight!
The Eggs! They are so much fun and really cute to display!
Gotta go with the eggs!
I vote for the eggs.
(I would be afraid the tins would get too hot if you burned candles in them not to mention kids knocking them off and getting burned.)
Definitely the eggs!
the eggs! i’m making these, but round instead of oval, for a baby shower 🙂
I love the wall sconces
I suggested the red velvet cheese ball and haven’t tried it yet. I would love to know how it comes out before i dive in 🙂 But, the eggs look like a worthy project as well. Have fun!!