Thoughts by Emily

Barbie’s Pregnant Kid Sister: What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Barbie’s Pregnant Kid Sister?

While browsing on Pinterest this afternoon, I came across a photo of a pregnant Barbie. It brought up lots of questions in my head as to whether or not I thought the doll was appropriate, and would I let my daughter play with it? I decided to do a little google searching to see what I could come up with, and came across this photo above. Now what is wrong with this picture? Not only is it a pregnant Barbie Doll (which I realize many of you may think is totally fine, and good even), but is this meant to be Barbie’s Pregnant Kid Sister? The pregnant doll in this photo does not look old enough to be having babies. What kind of message is this sending to little girls?

I realize that some may have the stance that giving birth is a natural thing and why wouldn’t we want our little girls to know about it, and even play with it? Several months ago, I discussed with facebook fans about the breastfeeding doll. There were definitely some firm opinions on that matter, as I figured there would be on the pregnant Barbie. While breast feeding and pregnancy are natural things, and yes, I do believe we should teach our kids about them, but how young, and how intense? Now I’m not saying whether or not I agree on the pregnant Barbie thing – to each his own. But a pregnant kid sister?

What do you think of this photo?

For fun, I thought I’d share the photo of the pregnant Barbie (Midge). What do you think? I will spare you the photo of Midge wearing something resembling panties covered in blood and a sponge looking thing (maybe imitating the baby’s head merging through the birth canal?).

UPDATE: Some think that the barbie in the top photo, is sitting down. I’m torn. They could have just made her legs differently, to accommodate the baby in her belly. She could be sitting though – and therefore be an adult doll. Hmmm

About the author

Emily Buys


  • I don’t think it’s fine…can we glamorize teen pregnancy and family dysfunction just a little bit more? Reality TV has desensitized the public on both issues, as well as making it acceptable and trendy even. But this is ridiculous as it is a toy line and directly targeted at little girls.

  • I was not into Barbie’s as a child and I hope that my daughter doesn’t ever want to play with them. The pictures here are going to haunt me for a while. Very weird!

  • That’s not Stacy doll. Barbie just has her knees bent and her skirt’s pulled down over them. Also based on style of the dolls’ clothes, hair, and makeup I’m pretty certain you’re complaining about a 20 year old toy.

  • I realize this photo is not of the Stacy doll. The Stacy doll is the newer version of this toy in the top photo. I’m not complaining, but stating that IF this doll is younger than Barbie, it’s not quite appropriate for her to be pregnant. I was just posting a thought provoking question and post, to see what everyone thought about the pregnant doll (young or not), and if she was young – their thoughts.

  • I love pregnant midge. i have one still in the box that I got when I was pregnant with my son. I make OOAK pregnant barbies. But I would only do a prenant skipper doll on commisson, never as a general offering doll. it just isnt right to exploit teen pregnancy. My daughter is a teen mom, and yes I made her her own doll, which the dog ate. And she proudly showed it off at er baby shower.but i don’t know if I really could make one for another teen.

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