Merida with Angus Gift Set
From the moment I saw the first sneakpeek of Disney Pixar’s Brave, at the 2011 D23 Expo, I knew I would fall in love. With Scotch in my blood, I am a sucker for men in kilts, bagpipes, old superstitions and the whole lot. I’ve even got 4 red-headed children to boot! My grandmother was born in Scotland, and came over to the States as a little girl. Even though my grandma didn’t spend many years in Scotland, there are just some things that are just in our blood.
I absolutely loved Brave, and was so thrilled to watch Merida, the tough, stubborn, red-headed princess, stand her own ground in the highlands. Having a red-headed little girl myself, I am partial to Merida as my new favorite princess. I think she is absolutely beautiful, and love her fiery personality. When I first saw the new Tollytots Merida doll with Angus, I fell in love. I have seen a variety of different versions of Merida, as a doll, and I have liked some more than others. This particular Tollytots portrayal of a slightly younger looking Merida, is one of my favorites. I think the added bonus that she comes with her beloved horse, Angus, is just so much fun. Merida can stand or ride in this set.
I took Little Girl to ToysRUs a couple of weeks ago, and we spotted this very set with Merida and Angus, and she squealed with excitement. She grabbed the box off of the shelf and just sat on the ground with the box taking her over, while smiling ear to ear. Little does she know – she is getting this set for Christmas!! I just know she will be more than delighted. If you’ve got a little girl who has a love for princesses, or Merida in particular, ToysRUs happens to have this gift set on sale for just $39.99, right now! This retails for $49.99, so that’s actually a pretty sweet deal! You can also enter this next Holiday Gift Guide Giveaway, and win one for yourself!
One lucky Clever Housewife will win a Tollytots Merida with Angus Gift Set. This giveaway will end at 12:01am ET on 11/25. Giveaway is open to the US only, and entries will be verified. To enter, fill out the rafflecopter below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I received a Merida with Angus Gift Set, to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed are my own.
Belle is my favorite princess, but my little girl loves every one of them!
Snow White is our favorite here!
The favorite princess in my house is my dog, Ms Bella, she truly is a princess : I would love to win this to donate to the toys for tots program, I have a Grandson, but no little princesses in my life.
this is just the coolest!!! my little girl would be thrilled if I won 🙂
I do not know if she is considered a princess, but out of all the Disney characters my daughters favorite is Pocahontas.
The favorite princess in my house would be my daughter! She’ll even tell you she’s The Princess, lol.
My daughter actually loves Brave! And I think Raphunzel is a close second!
It depends on the day, but I think most consistently I’d have to say Cinderella.
Belle ,because of her love of books!
My favorite princess will always be pocahontas and my daughters is Repunzel.
Belle is the favorite princess in our house, at least for the day…Tomorrow it will be a different one! =)
I want this!
My two Princesses love all the Disney Princesses but Cinderella and Belle are probably the favs.
My daughter loves Cinderella but we haven’t seen Brave yet 😉
Tangled and Brave
Snow White is number 1 today but Cinderella might be number 1 tomorrow
Ariel is my daughter’s favorite
My favorite princess is Snow White my daughters favorite is Bell the cartoons whole story plot she loves it.
Mulan is my favorite… we’ve watched it 3 times in the past 2 days.
So pretty. Love this set.
My daughters favorite princess right now is Rapunzel.
My daughter also loves Merida and Brave was her first theater movie. She also loves Ariel, Rapunzel, and Tiana
Recently Ariel has topped the list for my daughter..however you should of seen her excitement everytime we saw “BRABE” on halloween!
I would love to win this for my daughter ! She is Merida, complete with the red hair and her own strong will!
my daughter loves Disney Princesses. Her favorite has always been Belle until Brave came out. I think she like Merida so much cause she has red hair like me. She’s always saying mommy I want pretty red hair too!
Well I’d have to say All the princesses are a favorite in my house I have 3 girls and one of which is the biggest girly girl. She wants to grow up and be a princess. I would also say in my house my favorite princess is…my 3 princesses 😉
Our favorite princess is our youngest daughter, Princess Gia! She does however, resemble Snow White, our second favorite, with paler skin and black hair. 🙂
We love Cinderella! Classically beautiful & a great story.
The favorites in our house are Ariel, Rapunzel, Jasmine, and Merida.
Princess Jasmine and Princess Tiana are our gals favorite
Ariel is one of our favorites!
With two girls and one at heart, we are all about the princesses!!!! Anything Disney!!!
Around here we had a crazy idea: we read the Princess Diary Series, so Cleopatra is high on the list as is Marie Antoinette (we skipped the not so much fun ending), but Tangled and Brave are great too. Of all of them, Cleopatra wins!
She is in love with all of them but really cinderella. I would love this. i have bought the movie. Love that Merida is self sufficient.
Ariel is the favorite here
My daughter is only 2 and hasn’t really watched many princess movies yet. We DID take her and her brother to see Brave though and she goes nuts for Merida!!
Cinderella or Belle but I’m sure when she’s old enough to watch Brave she will like Merida!
Merida is my granddaughters favorite she would be so thrilled!
OOOO MY! My granddaughter would LOVE this!!! 🙂 TY TY TY TY!
My daughter loves Jasmine.
we’re loving ariel right now, it changes though lol
I have 3 girls and the younger 2 change their minds often. It’s usually between Ariel and Cinderella. All my girls loved Brave and would love this doll and horse!
Oh Em, I feel like my sweet Norah is getting the shaft in dolls since her older sisters are kind of past that phase. She needs some dolls of her own and she so LOVED this movie. But she does wear around our tangled hair that grandma made for her a lot. So I think favorite princess is a toss up between the two.
Our Favorit is Cinderella.
We Love them ALL, but right now its all about Merida. My daughter LOVES that the brothers were turned into little bears. 🙂
Cinderella is the favorite here!
Hard to pick, but Belle is the sweetest.
Rapunzel. my kids love the movie tangled!
This set is gorgeous!
My daughter has always liked all of the princesses. She has never really had a favorite because none of the personalities really fit her. When Brave came out this instantly changed. She is in love with Merida! They share the same personality as well as the love of archery! I am so thankful for Merida because she shows my girl how tough a princess can be.
Cinderella & Ariel!
We haven’t seen Brave yet though, so it may be a favorite soon too! 🙂
All of them, but the kids love Tangled. So I will say Rapunzel
Merida, we loved Brave.
Peyton LOVES Merida!! Going to pick up our movie tomorrow…so excited!
What a perfect birthday gift for my little bit…
Belle is the favorite
I like Belle!
Cinderella is the favorite in our house!!
Definitely Cinderella!
Rapunzel is one my granddaughter loves
I think it used to be Ariel, but now it’s Merida–she has a bow and arrow!
All of them!
Besides my daughter being the princess, our fave is Ariel!
my oldest loves ariel!
Well, my son doesn’t have a favorite princess. However, my fave is currently Snow White because I love the show “Once upon a time”.
Hmmm…don’t know the favorite princess…but Tinkerbell is very hot with my 2 year old granddaughter (I personally go for Cinderella).
Such a pretty doll. My niece would love her
My granddaughters are the fav princess’ in our family but the 4yo loves them all – she was rapunzel this halloween so I’ll go with that answer. Thanks for the giveaway!
My daughters favorite princess is Aurora.
My daughter loves Rapunzel.
Disney Princess all the way. My baby girl is obsessed lol
Our favorite is sleeping beauty.
my daughters love Ariel and Cinderella
We love Cinderella here.
we like Rapulunzal
tcogbill at live dot com
We love Rapunzel but Merida is adorable too!!
My daughter loves all the Disney Princess’s but I guess her favorite would be Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
Would have to be Cinderella.
My daughter’s favorite princess is Snow White!
My favorite princesses are my daughters, but our favorite Disney Princess is Snow White.
That is tough question. Depends what day of the week as to what the favorite princess is.
[email protected]
My daughter thinks she is a “secret fairy princess”, so I would have to say she is our fave. But since we are on our 3rd copy of the Cinderella DVD, I’d have to say Cinderella!
Princess Belle is our fave but we love them all
cinderella and thinker bell!!
Definitely Ariel!
I would say it’s Ariel or Jasmin
We dont really have a favorite princess in our househould!
our favorite Princess is Tika our spoiled kitty.
The lil Mermaid!
Merida….a crazy combination of our three girls!
My daughter is my favorite Princess. lol.
My favorite DISNEY princess however is Merida. I love her personality and her spirit. 🙂
Have 2 of them. Renee & Gwen
My two daughters. Disney princesses… Belle is mine.
Rapunzel is a definite favorite!
Snow White
The favorite is my house is Aurora.
Princess Leia 🙂
My daughter loves Snow White.
My 6 year old Emma loves Sleeping Beauty because she looks just like her, long blond hair and light blue eyes. When we took her to Disneyland Sleeping Beauty told her she was her twin, that was two years ago and she still talks about it. My three year old Kira loves all the princesses, but I think her favorite of all would have to be Ariel
Rapunzel is our favorite. My daughter loves Tangled.
Ariel is our favorite here!
My daughter’s favorite is Ariel from the Little Mermaid. She hasn’t watched this though. 🙂
kport207 at gmail dot com
We love this movie and my Shelby just had to meet Merida when we were in Disney World last week!
My daughter loves her Lella! (Cinderella)
My favorite is Belle 😉 my older daughter’s is Jasmine, and my younger daughter loves them all!
the little girl that is my best friend’s little girl she calls me aunt missa she loves all the princesses but favorite Cinderella this whould mean the world to me if i won and could make her face light up
ARIEL…….but my daughters love all princesses
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
My daughter really would love this for Christmas. She loves dolls.
Our favorite princess right now is Cinderella
My daughter would love this!
Belle is from Beauty & the Beast
Mulan is our favorite!! She’s a tough girl that doesn’t take stuff from anyone!!
The favorite princess in my house is Belle.
our favorite princess in rapunzel
Snow white and believe it or not, I only have a son! He loves snow white!
Rapunzel is our favorite.
I love Sleeping Beauty! My first daughter is named Aurora 🙂
Ariel is the one
My daughter’s favorite princess seems to be Rapunzel. However, mine always has been and probably always be Ariel from the Little Mermaid.
Cinderella is our favorite.
cjnedrow at gmail dot com
Currently Ariel is the favorite!
Two generations here love Ariel!
my daughter-Aurora
We have been watching Brave nonstop the past couple days. I’d have to say though, Rapunzel is our favorite princess.
My daughters favorites are Belle and Ariel 🙂
My granddaughter love’s them all . They are all her favorite .
If Snow White is considered a princess, she’s the favorite! We really want to watch Brave because she might be the new favorite, but we’re waiting til it’s really cheap to buy on Black Friday. 🙂
I have two little princess’s at my house. One’s new favorite is Merida and the other loves Sleeping Beauty.
Rapunzel is our fav.
Belle over here
Rapunzel! =)
Rapunzel is my daughters favorite
Today it is Cinderella…tomorrow???
Belle is the favorite here!
Belle is because my great niece’s name is Bella and she likes it that belle has her name. lol
Sleeping Beauty is the current favorite around our house!
merida is the current favorite at my house
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
Both my girls love Ariel, but I’m a die-hard Cinderella fan
Cinderella is mine and my granddaughter’s favorite.
lvoe ariel
My favorite princess is Tiana, but my daughter’s favorite is Rapunzel.
Snow White is ours!
I have 2 favorite Princesses! Princess Ava and Princess Ivy!!! But I will go with Snow White if we talking Disney! 😉
“Tangled” Rapunzel until this week when she saw Brave
Belle is our fave here. Even our beagles name is Belle! 🙂
Oh we love them all but probably Cinderella!
my favorite princess in my household is my daughter. 😉
Ariel is the favorite here!
We like Ariel in my house. But we are also fiond of Belle and Cinderella. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Ariel is my favorite and my daughter loves cinderella!
Cinderella is our favorite!
Cinderella by far is the favorite. I consider her the original princess 🙂
probably Belle. She’s a reader. 😉
Rapunzel, but my little girl hasn’t seen Brave yet, so I think that will change once she does =)
In our house it’s definitely got to be Cinderella and Repunzel. Thanks for the contest.
My daughter likes Rapunzel.
My daughter Loves Belle and Snow White! Pretty sure she would say Belle was her favorite!!!
Perfect to go with the movie I bought my girls!
I have 3 nieces and I wouldn’t know which one to give it to, but they have had such a hard time the past few months that I know they would love this doll! 🙂
I love Belle!
Since rafflecopter is messed up, I’m guessing the mandatory is your favorite princess?
I love Ariel.
My niece would love this as a Christmas present! 🙂
My favorite princess is Belle.
My favorite princess is Snow White!
Cinderella is our fav princess 🙂
have to be Ariel, even though she is a mermaid <3
Snow White!
We like Belle! Thanks so much for the chance and for all of your hard work!
Our favorite is Tiana
My daughter likes Merida, from BRAVE.
My granddaughter loves Snow White
Jasmine is our favorite.
I am partial to Belle. My youngest daughter loves Rapunzel and my middle daughter loves Snow White. So no agreement on a fave Disney princess in this house 🙂
We like the new Princess Sophia.
Belle is the favorite in my house.
My favorite princess is Snow White
Cinderella is my daughter’s and I favorite!
Princess Jasmine is the favorite in my household.
Belle is my favorite in my household
The favorite over here is Ariel.
we love cinderella
Merida – Brave,
We love Cinderella and Belle. Thanks for the giveaway!
vmkids3 at msn dot com
my daughter is favorite princess a BRAVE wanna be
My daughters favorite is Rapunnzel from Tangled!
Well I have 2 little princesses–my daughter and my furbaby Laia.
My daughter’s fav was Rapunzel,but after watching Brave she loves Merida.
We love Merida and Tiana!
Merida because she’s a ginger like me!!!
I have three boys and they love Merida and Rapunzel.
The majority says Cinderella 🙂
cinderella is our favorite
Ariel is the favorite!
belle is ours
We love Cinderella.
My daughter is my favorite princess–but we both love Rapunzel!
My daughter loves Jasmine.
Cinderella is our favorite princess!!
My grandaughter loves Belle
Belle was my favourite growing up. My little one loves Rapunzel 🙂
My daughter likes rapunzel
Belle a favorite here.
we love Ariel
My girls like them all but Merida and Rupunzelle are there favorites
My princess is Brooklyn
Our favorite princess is Sofia the first. The newest Disney princess.
This is awesome!
my little girl is my princess!
Well, we haven’t watched any “princess” movies, but I guess Mary Poppins would be our favorite “princess”!!! 🙂 My 2 year old daughter asks to watch “Mawy Poppins” at least once a day! 🙂
My kids favorite is Rapunzel with Marida coming in a very close second, they are obsessed with Brave right now.
My favorite princess is my daughter
[email protected]
Our Niece Olivia 🙂
My daughter is my favorite princess
My Shelby loves Merida watches her DVD everyday. Got to meet her at Disneyworld.
Princess Tians is her current fave,
My God Daughter would love this!
We LOVE all of the princesses!! We are a huge DISNEY household!!
Princess Ariel
Belle is my fav.
this is a great giveaway, thanks!
Belle is my fav
Cinderella is my daughter’s favorite. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
Our favorite is Cinderella!!
Awesome giveaway, thanks
areiala and then the gift are great
I love Cinderella!
my daughter loves her!!
My youngest is ALL ABOUT Rapunzel these days! But, my oldest loves Merida! We saw Brave when it came out, she just got the movies, and today she bought the DS game!!!
Cinderella is our fav! Thanks for the giveaway!
That would be Ariel
We have a few Ariel, Bell and Merida
We love tinkerbell the most but my daughter likes brave the movie alot so she would love this.