
Zumba Fitness Dance Party CD + Batter Bowl Winners

4 weeks out from my car accident I decided to try a little Zumba. After about a week of it, I was LOVING it, but my body was not. I was having a ton of fun, sweating a lot, and enjoying the company of a friend. It felt good to move again after being so sedentary for 4 weeks, but after a few days, my body rebelled. My shoulders, neck and hip were very angry. I had gone from 3 days a week at the chiropractor to 2 days, then had to go back to 3 days a week. Needless to say, I had to take a break from Zumba, per the doctor’s orders. He said I’ll be able to do it in time, but that if I push myself too hard now, then my recovery will take even longer. I was in so much pain that I had no choice but to consent.

Luckily I have my Zumba Fitness Dance Party CD to at least entertain me in the meantime! I pop it into my laptop when I’m working, or in the car when I’m driving, and the kids and I dance and sing along. Maybe I’m not burning calories while I listen to it, but it is making me happy!

Enough of that….I’m sure you’re all ready to hear who the winners are! Winners are being emailed and they have 48 hours to respond t to claim their prize.


The three CDs go to….

Nadya K.

Darlene J.

Dana W.

While I’m at it, how about I announce the winner of the Good Cook 2Qt Batter Bowl! Winner also has 48 hours to respond to my email. Congratulations to….

Lisa W.!

About the author

Emily Buys

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