Entree Recipes

#ad Chicken & Sweet Potato Pitas with Honey Cilantro Lime Dressing #JustAddTyson


Ad: Chicken & Sweet Potato Pitas with Honey Cilantro Lime Dressing #JustAddTyson

January has nearly come and gone and I haven’t lost a pound! I’m not too discouraged though because I have big plans for weight loss and healthy eating this year. Just because I didn’t hit the new year running doesn’t mean it’s too late to start changing habits. Anytime is the best time to eat healthier and be more active, right?

Even if weight loss isn’t a goal for you, eating healthier could be. One of my worst eating habits that has gotten me into the mess I’m in is eating out for lunch. Lunchtime is the most challenging meal for me and I think I know why. I don’t have nearly enough go-to lunch items/recipes that are quick and easy and taste good. That is going to change!

Tyson Grilled & Ready Chicken #JustAddTyson #ad

I’m not big on lunchmeats that don’t come from the deli, and I’m terrible about thawing and cooking meat for lunch. I like to have some protein at lunch so I am left with few options. Problem solved with Tyson Grilled & Ready products! These are seriously a lifesaver for me for any meal really, when I don’t have time or have forgotten to pull meat out of the freezer. I usually pick mine up at Walmart and you can purchase them as whole chicken breasts, slices or chunks.

Tyson Grilled & Ready Chicken Chunks #JustAddTyson #ad

You don’t even have to cut your meat up for your salads, sandwiches, or whatever you may be making, because Tyson has already done it for you! The meat is already cooked so you just need to heat it up.

Chicken & Sweet Potato Pita Ingredients #JustAddTyson #ad

Now to figure out just how I’m going to incorporate Tyson Grilled & Ready products into my menu. Like I said, more healthy recipes that don’t take a lot of time, is a goal of mine. So, my mom and I came up with Chicken & Sweet Potato Pitas. I love these not only because they taste great, but because they are different, and between the protein from the chicken, and nutrients you get from sweet potatoes, I feel great eating them!

Honey Cilantro Lime Dressing #JustAddTyson #ad

You can whip up any sauce that you think would pair well with the chicken and sweet potatoes but I went with a Cilantro Lime Dressing. It truly was beyond delicious. You know, one of those meals where you take your first bite and make that little moaning noise in the back of your throat because it’s so tasty! Yum!

Chicken and Sweet Potato Pitas with Honey Cilantro Lime Dressing #JustAddTyson #ad

I’d love to hear your creative uses for Tyson Grilled & Ready products? Share the recipes folks, because I need more go-to easy meals to keep me eating at home! The dressing in this recipe makes quite a bit so I store it in an airtight container and use it in my meals throughout the week.

Now for your Tyson Grilled & Ready shopping, a super fridge for these products will be in 1,067 Walmart stores so keep an eye out to see if one will be in a store near you! Plus, they are on rollback right now for $5.87! Through March 2014, take part in the Grilled and Ready Just Add This campaign for a chance to win prizes. You will get tips for what to add to your routine to help you meet your goals: recipes, daily tips and chances for prizes. Weekly prizes will be awarded throughout the promotional period.

Chicken & Sweet Potato Pitas with Honey Cilantro Lime Dressing
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 4
  • 4 Pita Pockets
  • 2 sweet potatoes, cooked in microwave
  • ¼ cup thinly sliced red onion
  • 1 cup Tyson Grilled & Ready Chicken Chunks, heated
Honey Cilantro Lime Dressing:
  • 1 jalapeno seeded and chopped
  • 1 clove garlic
  • ¾ tsp ginger root, or ¼ tsp ground ginger
  • ⅓ cup honey
  • ¼ cup lime juice
  • 2 tsp balsamic vinegar
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ¼ cup cilantro leaves
  • ½ cup olive oil
Honey Cilantro Lime Dressing:
  1. Place jalapeno, garlic and ginger in food processor and whirl til finely chopped.
  2. Add salt, lime juice, honey and balsamic vinegar and whirl til all is blended.
  3. Add cilantro leaves, whirl again then slowly add Olive Oil and blended
Assemble Chicken & Sweet Potato Pitas:
  1. Place ¼ of sweet potatoes, red onion and chicken in 1 Pita. Drizzle dressing over ingredients in pocket and serve.

About the author

Emily Buys


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