It has been 12 years since I found out I would become a mother. I still remember the feeling I had when I went to the store to purchase my first pregnancy test. we were trying to get pregnant so there was a lot of angst, not knowing what the test would say. Now five kids later, and a brand new marriage, purchasing a Clearblue pregnancy test has me in a whole different whirlwind. Since that very first positive pregnancy test 12 years ago, I have learned a lot about what it means to become a mother.
To me, there is no better job in the world than that of Motherhood. I love my blogging job, but it wouldn’t mean nearly as much to me without my husband and children to enjoy the benefits of it with.
From the moment I found out I was first pregnant my life was forever changed. It didn’t take long for that motherly love to grow. Even before I felt the very first kicks and wiggles, I was protective and always concerned for that growing babe – attributes of a mom that never go away. My oldest is 11 and now the protectiveness and concerns have transformed into something even more elaborate.
Sure, motherhood means many restless nights, frustration, heartache, worry, and sometimes anger. But the positives outweigh any negative attributes that go along with being a mother. My heart has never felt as full as when I am embraced by my little ones, and husband. I experience joy, pride, love, honor, and excitement, just by being the mother of Kelman, Carter, Brechin, Gianna and Brielle. I feel privileged to be allowed to raise these precious little beings. They make me laugh and provide great entertainment. I only hope and pray that they will always feel and know how much I love them.
Through good and bad, I wouldn’t trade being a mother for anything in the world. For you mothers out there, do you remember the first time you found out you were pregnant? What about the second? My second meant twins, and boy was that crazy and fun all at the same time! My third meant a girl. Then after she passed away, my fourth blessed me with another daughter that I get to raise now. Each pregnancy test and birth has changed my life. Watch the Clearblue video to see how it has changed others’.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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