I just had a great time with one of my 6 year olds trying out ClickN READ Phonics instruction and online learning system for reading readiness. It was so easy for my 6 year old to navigate his way around, and he really learned a lot. Once you login, you can select which type of lesson you want to use. Each lesson has several segments of just the right duration. The lesson moves on to different segments to keep your child engaged. You child can either use the mouse, or the keyboard to answer the questions in the lesson – which I think is a great idea. They not only become familiar with navigating the mouse on the screen, but there’s plenty of keyboard practice to help them become familiar with standard keyboard usage.
We started out with ClickN READ phonics. The first part of the lesson challenges your child to learn beginning word sounds – like Sh, Ch, Kk and Ll. Then it advanced to word familiarity and recognition. The only thing that seemed a little difficult is when the instructor said the word slowly, then at regular speed, we had a hard time understanding him when he said the word slowly. Once you go through word recognition, there is a word-ending segment, and your child selects the correct word. The final phase is reading along with the instructor. In each segment your child is given praise for correct answers, or allowed to try again. No pressure – just fun. We started out midway in the lessons, since my child already has reading skills.
The instructor is an engaging space-age dog. He has a nice quality voice, and there’s some humor involved. The colors used are vivid and bright.
The program tracks your child’s progress, and gives progress reports. There are lesson previews, as well as downloadable worksheets to print.
Once you do a few lessons with your child, there’s no reason they can’t do them on their own. Of course early readers will need a bit more direction. The first 9 lessons are for children who don’t know letter sounds. The program contains 3 years of reading instruction. Lessons can easily be repeated until your child has satisfactorily accomplished the required lesson skills.
ClickN KIDS is a full-spectrum learning program for enhancing your child’s reading skills. This would be a great gift that would be wonderful for the kids and parent(s)! Another wonderful thing is that you can make payments and don’t have to pay all at once, which makes this very affordable.
One Clever Housewife reader will one free account to the ClickN READ Phonics program. This giveaway/sweepstakes will end at 11:59pm on 11/11/11. Follow the following steps to enter to win:
Mandatory Entry (to be completed before other entries)
1. Try the ClickN READ Phonics FREE lesson and then come back to this post and leave a comment with something you learned/liked about the program. This is just one free lesson, to give you an idea of how the program works.
Additional, Optional Entries – You can do any or all of the following for extra entries. Please leave a separate comment for EACH Entry, for them all to count.
2. “Like” the ClickN KIDS Fan page and post your thoughts of ClickN READ Phonics, on their page with this comment: “I learned about ClickN KIDS from BLOG NAME and I think ClickN KIDS products are _________ because __________.” Come back to this post and let me know that you’ve completed this step.
3. “Like” Clever Housewife on Facebook. Be sure to leave another comment here telling me that you’ve done so.
4. Subscribe to my feed by e-mail or by Feedburner, then leave a separate comment here telling me that you do. If you subscribe by e-mail, be sure to check your e-mail and activate your account, for your entry to count.
5. Follow @ClickN KIDS on Twitter – @clicknkids
6. Follow Clever Housewife on Twitter and tweet “Enter to #win (1) FREE Account for ClickN READ Phonics from @clicknkids and @CleverHousewife https://cleverhousewife.com/?p=28702.” Be sure to come back here to tell me that you’ve done it.
7. Follow Clever Housewife on Google Friend Connect by clicking on the Join Site button in the GFC box, in my right sidebar.
*By entering this giveaway, you are agreeing to the Official Sweepstakes Rules.
ClickN KIDS provided me with a free ClickN READ Phonics account, facilitate my review. All opinions expressed are my own. ClickN KIDS is also providing one Clever Housewife reader with a free account.
penny pincher says
Like CHW on FB.
penny pincher says
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Sus says
I learned that the activities in the “real” program are typically longer than the ones in the demo. Like the outer space theme :-).
Sus says
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Follow @ClickN KIDS on Twitter – @clicknkids (tnsnx)
Sus says
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I liked that there is a report of what the kid needs to work on.
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Ada Miller says
I love it seems more like a game than learning. I have a 5yr old & they are learning sounds which he is having a time with. I try to work with him at home,but he dont want to listen to me for long at all & just not sure how it make it fun so he would. He has always been one to learn on his own instead of someone standing over him. Like when he was ;earning to write his name he would not let me be near him,but i had to write it on paper & he would look at it & write it on his paper. This would be so helpful to us right now. I really hate to think this way,but i so hope i can win this for him. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
aemgeg4 (@) yahoo (dot) com
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Cassie Enebrad says
Wow, this is such a neat program! I LOVE that the kids can learn where the letters are on the keyboard too. Right now we are really struggling with teaching our twins phonics so this could be really helpful. Thanks!
Cassie Enebrad says
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