“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Seventh Generation. I received a promotional item and product samples as a thank you for participating.”
How many warnings have you received regarding unsafe chemicals or substances in your household, or in the environment, since the advent of social media? It’s not something I was ever aware of before the world wide web became an integral part of my lifestyle. It is amazing to me at how easy it is to obtain information in today’s day and age.
In 1976, The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was passed to test and regulate chemicals for consumer safety. A step in the right direction. However, since that time, the law has not been updated or reevaluated to ensure all household products are in fact safe for consumers. Companies often get away without completing proper testing or disclosure on their products. Unsure of what some of these chemicals could be doing to our bodies? Scientists have linked exposure to toxic chemicals to many health risks, such as Cancer, Alzheimer’s, learning disabilities, asthma, birth defects, and various reproductive problems. All health risks that I’d like to steer clear from! For additional information to learn more visit the Natural Resources Defense Council website.
Luckily there are some great brands out there, such as Seventh Generation, who are willing to take the time and money to complete the proper testing on their products, to make sure they are safe for consumers. I believe it is our responsibility as the consumer, to educate ourselves on the products we are using and partaking in. There is so much information floating around in cyber space, that we just need to grab a hold of it and interpret it for our own needs. It isn’t always good enough to take other people’s word for it. There are opinions on both sides of the fence, so how do we know which is right? It’s up to us to make the right decision for US. All I know is that there are an awful lot of unexplained illnesses and health risks, and the chemicals have gotten stronger. Correlation?
Seventh Generation cares enough about their products, and us as consumers, that they have begun the Toxin Freedom Fighters Campaign. It is their goal, and wish, to collect 100,000 signatures to strengthen the movement behind a chemical reform. By signing your name to the petition, you will be telling Congress to reevaluate the TSCA for the first time since 1976. In the meantime, I say choose wisely and get informed. You have until April 24th to sign the petition by clicking on the button below. What are you waiting for?
Join the #FightToxins Twitter Party on Thursday, April 10th from 1:00 – 2:00 PM ET to chat about tips and tricks for living a healthy, green lifestyle as well as the importance of using products with as few chemicals as possible.
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