Can you believe we are only to day 5 of my New England fall foliage driving tour? We crammed so much into each and every day, that it is truly amazing how much we accomplished in a short amount of time. To get up to speed, you can read about Day 4 here, then you should be caught up. Day 5 began somewhat leisurely, as it was Sunday and we were starting to feel a little tired. After a late breakfast, we discussed all we wanted to accomplish for the day, and decided we better get a move on it. After all, we planned to head north to Bath, ME then south to Portsmouth, NH and slightly west to Londonderry. Lots of ground to cover and too little time.
On our way to Bath to visit the Maine Maritime Museum (one of Keith’s must-see locations), I plotted to find the best lobster rolls we could find. As we drove, I Yelped and Googled each town to see if I could come up with the best of the best, and I think I did! Because it was on the way, we stopped in at the L.L. Bean Flagship store just to see what all the fuss was about. It was HUGE, and I came away with nothing. I felt a tad guilty the rest of the day, because it seemed I should have purchased at least a fleece jacket or something. Perhaps I felt more guilty about what seemed like wasted time when there was still too much to see and do (for which I ended up running out of time). For some I can see how this would be a popular stop, so don’t let my guilt deter you.
Back to that lobster roll. In Brunswick, Maine lies a small convenience store called Libby’s Market. The place doesn’t look like much, but boy do they make a mean lobster roll. Everything I read online raved about this place all for their rolls, so we just had to get a piece of that action. They don’t skimp on the lobster, and every bite is deliciousness.
Pulling away from Libby’s Market I spotted the lobster cages used to catch our lunch of the day, so I just had to snap a picture. The cages truly are fascinating.
Bellies now full, it was onto the Maine Maritime Museum. I scored some last minute complimentary passes, which was nice because we didn’t have oodles of time to explore. We briefly hit the highlights, and wished we had more time to explore the grounds and even take a cruise on the water, which the museum offers at an additional charge. Hubby loved perusing the shipyard and checking out the equipment they have used, and still use to build a variety of ships and boats. It all was very fascinating, and I fell in love with some of the old boats they had on display. They also have a very in-depth display and history of lobstering.
After our museum visit it was a race against the clock, for we wanted to make it to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to the Strawbery Banke Museum, before it’s 5 o’clock closing. I am saddened to say we only made it with 10 minutes to spare. They were kind enough to let us run into the governor’s mansion, and then peruse the gardens and peek in what windows we could. I fell in love with this neighborhood and wished I had more time to go into each of the houses, which are built in different time periods. I highly recommend a stop, and more time here if you can. Truly a fascinating “real” neighborhood through the times.
We weren’t quite ready for bed so we visited the Marketplace in Portsmouth, which I found to be darling and full of shops and restaurants. We managed to find some good eats along the way. Then we headed southwest to Londonderry, for a night’s rest at the Sleep Inn there.
What I didn’t know before planning this trip was that Sleep Inn locations across the country have undergone a huge transformation. The decor, linens and atmosphere is of a higher class than what once was. Our accommodations were very clean, safe and it didn’t hurt any that they offered hot cider upon arrival.
You know me – a picky pillow sleeper. The pillows were a little disappointing, but I have to say, we slept well. When you are running like crazy to see and do so much in such a short amount of time, a good night’s rest is what you need to get rejuvenated and ready for the next day of fun. Sleep Inn provided just that. They also offer a yummy hot breakfast, which is a hot commodity on busy travel days.
So, goodnight for day 5, and I’ll see you on day 6.
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