Our world and how we communicate has changed vastly over the last few years. Most all communication barriers and interaction barriers are gone. We express our thoughts feelings, emotions, opinions on just about any topic with lightning speed. The motto of the day is to “keep it real.” I don’t know about you, but I can see some negative reactions to that thought. What happened to the Thumper ideology of “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.” I know I’m guilty of not always being careful about the words I speak or write – just ask my husband. Dove wants to change that, and personally, I’m on board with their new campaign of #SpeakBeautiful – using social media as an opportunity to build more confidence and find beauty in those around us.
I’m sure with this being an election year, you’re all feeling bombarded with the ugliness and lack of dignity we’re exposed to daily. All of the negativity impacts society in so many ways – and not positively. What can you do to make a change? How can you enhance positivism and beauty each day? How can you unite others in achieving a goal of having a beautiful and positive impact on those around you?
Personally speaking, 2016 has been a difficult year for me and my family. Professionally, because I’m an online influencer and my opinions are often exposed, I’ve experienced negativity. When we come to a crossroads or a differing opinion with others online, there are options other than blocking, unfriending, and bashing these individuals. We should work toward trying to understand where other people are coming from. It is our experiences in life that have shaped us into what we are and what we believe. We should joy in diversity, and sometimes just agree to disagree, but most of all, be respectful.
To Speak Beautiful and be kind to ourselves, and others around us, we need to seek beauty. For me, I seek beauty by catching a sunset, taking pleasure in nature, and by taking care of my personal needs. Sometimes fixing myself up, and making myself feel beautiful helps me see the beauty around me more.
To remind us to #SpeakBeautiful, Dove has a special promotion at Target right now. When you purchase three select Dove products, you can pick up a special bracelet (found on the end cap with the Dove products), with engraved words to promote the real beauty within. I’d love to see you on social media, and see how you choose to #SpeakBeautiful every day!
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