I don’t know about you, but for me potty training hasn’t been my most favorite job as a parent. It most definitely isn’t the worst job, but finding potty breaks gone wrong is not so fun. Have you ever had one of those moments where you walk into the bathroom after your toddler has been…
Win $1,000 Off Tuition at Ivy Bridge College!
It’s a New Year, which is often a time of reflection. Many people take this time to think about how their past year has gone, and what they would like to do differently in the new year. It is a time to make goals and try to better oneself. Some of those resolutions may include…
Celebrating that First Flush with Pull-Ups
One of these days I WILL be able to consider all of my kids fully potty trained, and will have no need to purchase diapers, pull-ups or bed mats, but for now, that is now where I am. I am happy to be able to rely on said products, to get me through this time….
Meet the Dustersons and Save $2 On Endust
Advertising and marketing can be such a tricky thing, but can be crucial in how people see a brand. I personally cannot stand a boring commercial. It doesn’t make me favor a brand in any way. However, something that is memorable will stick in my mind, which is what a brand typically wants. Endust has…
Cooking With Kids: Yakimaniac Veggie Martians
Cooking With Kids: Yakimaniac Veggie Martians When I was in college, I had a roommate that I loved dearly, who was a tad uptight about a few things. We used to tease her because she couldn’t stand when anyone stopped the microwave short of it’s full cooking time, leaving random numbers frozen on the screen….
RSV Awareness and World Preemie Day
Did you know that there is a day dedicated especially for preemies? Even though I’ve had a preemie, I didn’t know that November 17th is World Preemie Day, until this year. I swapped the button on my facebook profile, for one with a half blue/half pink ribbon, in honor of my little preemie. A topic…
Boys & Girls Clubs of America Team Up With Amway To Discuss Healthy Lifestyles
Boys & Girls Clubs of America Team Up With Amway This year, I have learned more and more about the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. It really sounds like such a fantastic program. I haven’t had any personal experiences with the BGCA, myself, but I have had friends and readers tell me some great…
Insurance Open Enrollment Period: Get Informed
Insurance Open Enrollment Period: Get Informed Health insurance is one of those things that you hate to pay for every month because there is nothing wrong with you, but then you would hate to be without it if something major happens. Too bad we don’t each have a crystal ball that tells us when/if that…
Polly Pocket Playtime Pet Shop and Polly Pocket DVD (Review)
As a big doggy and pet lover, my daughter loves the new Polly Pocket Playtime Pet Shop. Since we don’t currently have a pet, Little Girl can live vicariously through Polly as a Pet Shop Owner! In this playset comes a Polly, 8 pets, pet food, leashes, chew toys, pet carrier and cash register. This…
Dinner In a Snap or Lunch On-The-Go: Win 5 Barilla Coupons
Dinner in a Snap or Lunch on-the-go with Barilla Microwaveable Meals School is in full swing, and so are the extra curricular activities. Between homework, gymnastics, soccer and scouts, there are becoming more and more nights where I need dinner in a snap or lunch on-the-go. Barilla, the pasta brand, recently introduced a new way…