Now is your chance to share your dream enhancements for your school, in the “Rock Your School” Contest! The high school with the highest number of votes in the contest will win up to $75,000!!! Whose school couldn’t use that? The winning entrant will also win a cash prize of up to $25,000! Not only…
Allegra Allergy Relief Review and #Giveaway
AAAchooo – excuse me, it’s that time of year! Along with a beautiful rejuvenating spring comes – yes, you’ve got it, Seasonal Allergies. It’s just not fair to have to worry about sneezing, coughing, and itchy watery eyes. I must admit, I’m not much of a seasonal allergy sufferer, which is surprising, considering I live in one of…
Marvel’s The Avengers #Giveaway
I am so excited for the release of Marvel’s The Avengers, next week! The cast is absolutely phenomenal and where else can you see all of your favorite Marvel characters in the same film? The Avengers is all about these strong heroes who are very different, but come together for one good cause. I really…