Because of my love for Pinterest, I thought I would start a weekly series titled “My Pinterest Addiction: Things I Want To Try This Week”. I am going to work on turning the pretty/tasty things I see on Pinterest, into reality. I hope you will join me! Rather than just looking, pinning, and dreaming, I…
Mom’s Best Sugar Cookie Recipe
Mom’s Best Sugar Cookie Recipe + The Perfect Frosting With so many different sugar cookie recipes out there, how on earth is one to know which ones are TRULY GOOD?! Over the years, my mom worked really hard to develop an excellent Sugar Cookie Recipe that we could use year after year. I almost feel…
Jam Valentine Cookies
It’s a time for love and hearts. What better way to celebrate with loved ones than with Jam Valentine Cookies. My mom found this Valentine Cookie recipe in an old Martha Stewart Living magazine and I decided to give it a try. They are a jam cookie that takes a little bit of effort, but I…