Giveaways Product Reviews

Watch Your Own Home Movies on TV with RealPlayer Cloud and Roku 2 + $200 Gift Card and Roku 2 GIVEAWAY

Learn how to let your kids experience the thrill of watching their own movies that your filmed from your phone on TV. Plus enter to win a fabulous giveaway for a $200 Giftcard and Roku 2 thanks to my sponsors at RealPlayer Cloud.

My kids absolutely love to watch home videos! They get such a kick out of watching themselves and their crazy antics captured on video. They love gathering around my phone and watching home movies that I have taken of them or that they have made themselves.

I recently surprised them by playing our home movies on our TV! Thanks to the new RealPlayer Cloud app that I recently downloaded (read all about how it works and how it gives you free cloud based storage space here) and the new Roku 2, getting videos from my smart phone to the TV could not have been easier.

1. Download the RealPlayer Cloud App onto your smart phone or tablet

2. Upload videos from your smart phone to the RealPlayer Cloud App and save them to the free 2GB of cloud based storage.

3. Go onto your Roku and find the RealPlayer channel. Make a note of the Activation Code shown on the screen. Go to this link , to enter the activation code, and click Connect.

4. Watch and enjoy all of your home movies uploaded from your computer, Phones or tablets right on your TV and let the kids feel like movie stars!

If you are not familiar with what the Roku is, I’m here to introduce you!

The Roku 2 (retails for $69.99) is a device that allows you to stream over 1,000 channels and watch them on your HD or standard definition TV, including channels powered by M-GO with no additional account set up or activation required. In addition to M-GO you can access some of your favorite subscription services straight to your TV through the Roku 2 such as Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Amazon Instant Video. One of my favorite features about the Roku 2 is that the remote has a headphone jack, so you can watch your favorite movies or shows without disturbing anyone else in the home. This is great for when I want to watch my “mom only” shows at night without disturbing my sleeping kids!

Giveaway time!

Thanks to my wonderful sponsors at RealPlayer Cloud, I have a fantastic giveaway to offer! One lucky CleverHousewife reader will win a Roku 2 ($69.99 value) for their own home as well as a $200 Giftcard! Giveaway will end at 11:59pm PT on 10/15. TO enter, fill out the form below.

About the author

Emily Buys


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