I wouldn’t exactly call egg-in-the-hole a recipe, but it sure is a tasty and easy meal at my house! My kids are huge fans of egg-in-the-hole; as well as myself. In fact, when I haven’t prepared something for dinner in advance, we will often go with something quick and easy like egg-in-the-hole.
I have learned over the years that not everyone knows what egg-in-the-hole is, so I thought I would share with you a long time breakfast dish from my childhood. What I call egg-in-the-hole has many other names such as egg in a basket, bird’s nest, cowboy eggs and more. Here are the easy steps that you take to get your yummy breakfast.
Tear a hole in a slice of bread. I will often use the rim of a small cup to cut a nice round hole. Sometimes I will just use my fingers and tear out a circle. Be sure to do this neatly as we don’t like to waste any of the bread.
I will sometimes pre-butter one side of the bread and bread center, then drop the opposite side in a buttered frying pan. Tonight I just used more butter on my griddle and did not pre-butter the bread. It worked out fine. After melting the butter in a pan or griddle, I spread the bread around in the pan, to make sure both sides have some butter.
Crack an egg into the open hole of the bread and fry until desired consistency. I will occasionally use a little salt here. Now you have a couple of different options. If you like your eggs sunnyside-up then you can stop at this step. I love my eggs over-easy so I will flip and seal up the opposite site briefly before serving. You can also cover with a lid to give your egg more of a poached effect.
I’d love to hear if you are familiar with this dish, and what you call it!
keisha says
My husband showed me how to make these after we got married. He called them Egg Baskets!
Pamela Schneider says
we called them “one eyed sailors”
I use a cookie cutter, many times heart shaped!
Christina says
We used to have these when I was little, we called them popeye eggs.
Jen says
Love it! A friend’s dad made us something similar to that the morning after a sleepover. But instead of over easy or sunny side up, I think mine had scrambled eggs.
Shontel Farr says
My son taught me how to do these and makes them for me often. LOVE THESE !!!
Emily Lyon says
I do too! Haven’t had one in far too long!
Lydia H says
This happens to be one of our favorites! So quick and easy, even the kids make it.