Today’s Pin that stuck out to me on Pinterest is this Date Night Jar, created by Life in the Green House.
With hubby being gone during the weeks, I long for him to come home for some quality family time, but also some alone time. After being alone with my kids ALL WEEK LONG, by my lonesome, I am READY for a date come Friday. I am not always full of ideas for dates, and often just pick dinner and a movie, or just one or the other. I just spotted this idea for a Date Night Jar, and love it! I think we could all use one, because it will get us trying new things, and it takes some of our indecisiveness away from us.
First take any jar you have, which could be an old pasta sauce jar, mason jar, etc.
Use popsicle sticks or tongue depressors for your date ideas. Spray paint or paint the sticks different colors, depending on the category that each idea may fit into. For example:
One color will have more expensive dates on them that require planning and time. Here are some suggestions:
- Bed and Breakfast
- Dinner at a fancy restaurant
- Hotel stay for the night
- Broadway Musical/Play
- Concert and dinner (his choice)
- Concert and dinner (my choice)
- Weekend away
- Couples Massage
Then paint another set of sticks another color, which will represent “at home” dates, such as:
- Chopped Challenge (like the television show on FoodNetwork)
- Fondue
- Takeout and board games
- 1,000 piece puzzle and pizza
- Ball game and nachos
- Popcorn and a chick-flick
- Crosswords and breakfast for dinner
- Bake together
- Television show marathon
- Homemade pizzas and an Italian movie
- Let’s Dance Wii Party
- Fitness Night mixed with a little dancing to the tunes
The last color represents dates that cost little money and can be done not far from home:
- Dinner and a movie (my choice and his choice)
- Laser tag and go carts
- Drive-In date
- Dessert only date
- Window shopping for the house
- Bowling
- Coffee Date
These are all just date suggestions. Sit down with your partner and pick out some dates that you would enjoy doing together, then decide which category that date belongs in.
So depending on your mood and your finances, pick a stick that fits your mood and needs/wants!
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