Straight from the mouth of a 3 year old; “Blankies Make Owies Better”. Isn’t that the truth? Little Girl got whacked in the forehead with a baseball bat this afternoon – the act of a brother, of course. I believe it was an accident, and brother does feel badly. It’s so sad to see our little ones hurt. My wise little girl asked for her blankie, and after a bit of snuggling and rubbing her face, with her blanket, she said “rubbing owies with blankies makes them smaller.” From the mouths of babes! When I am hurt or feeling sad, it absolutely feels great to curl up with a soft blanket. Are you a blanket snuggler, when the mood strikes?
Micah says
She is going to be a tough girl.
Valerie Strawmier says
That’s because little girls like Brielle are just sweet!
heather says
I love my blankies and all 3 of my kids do also!
nicole sellers says
My kids never carried a blankie around, but I sleep a lot better when I curl up with my soft blanket, my kids always kick theirs off!!!
holly saunders says
good idea