Help Cross Off Hunger With Unilever
With Christmas nearing, people get in the mood to give, serve, and share. Sometimes we just don’t know how or what we can do to help others. My kids’ elementary school does a canned food drive, as do many churches and grocery stores. There are so many outfits out there, if you just look. If you are participating in any food drives this month, how about you kill two birds with one stone? Unilever, and their family of brands, run the Cross Off Hunger initiative to donate two million meals to families in need. I think this is such a phenomenal thing the company is doing. You too can help!
Unilever is involved with Feeding America, as part of their sustainable living goal to help one billion people improve their health and well-being. We can help show support by purchasing Unilever products such as Lipton Tea, Ragu, Best Foods Mayonnaise, Skippy, Dove, and so many other products that you likely already buy. The thing that I love about Unilever is that they are donating regardless of how much of their products we buy, because they care that much.
You can learn about the hunger crisis and the role that Food Banks play on There are so many people who go hungry every single day, and it’s just fantastic when a large company, such as Unilever, is committed to supporting this cause. I don’t know about you, but knowing that a company does such a great thing, helps me feel better about buying their products.
Some of my favorite Unilever products to buy, and that I always have on hand, are Ragu Spaghetti Sauce, Best Foods Light Mayonnaise, and Brummel & Brown. I actually ran out of Brummel & Brown and need to stock back up. In the meantime, I am still using the Country Crock Honey Spread, for toast. The next time I run to the store, my hope is to buy extras of some of these products that I love, and donate them to a local food drive.
You too can be part of Cross Off Hunger, and it doesn’t have to take much! Simply learn about the issue and the needs of food banks by visiting or by using your favorite Unilever products in your sustainable living routine. Food banks don’t just need food either! When you visit the site, you can look up the closest food bank, what items food banks are in need of and test your hunger I.Q. “Unilever is committed to donating more than two million meals to families in need with Feeding America and every item on your shopping list counts. Show your support by adding Unilever brands to your cart next time you shop. Together we can help to Cross Off Hunger.”
Keep up with Unilever and their mission on Twitter.
“I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Unilever #CBias #SocialFabric”
Victoria @ Denschool says
That Honey Spread is AMAZING! I bought some a few weeks back because I had a great coupon for it and YUMMIES! I am addicted 🙂
Tosh says
I think what they (and you) are doing is GREAT! Thanks for remind us all that just grabbing one or two extra items when we are shopping and donating those items really helps out!
Motherhood on the Rocks says
Good to see a company giving back to the community!
Melody says
I love Unilever! My mom has volunteered at food kitchens in the past, and I think soon I’d like to do the same with my kids…. This year, I’ll be giving food to the local food banks.