On The Go Breakfast with the Safeway Buy 4 Save $4 Promotion
Something this mom loves are quick and easy meals purchased at great prices! While I love to be in the kitchen cooking and baking, and coming up with delicious dishes that make my mouth and stomach happy, time doesn’t always allow for this. Mornings can be a very stressful time in my household. Getting everyone to listen and get dressed quickly is such a chore. Forget about picking up after themselves too! Then they’d never make it to school on time. Because of National Breakfast Week, I decided to revamp our breakfast choices.
I wish I could say that I am the type of mom that cooks something special for the kids every single morning. That would be a complete lie! I do try to do something a little bigger on occasion, but most days are not like that. Cereal works in a pinch, but sometimes that routine gets old and you need something else to offer the kids. Some days it is all I can do to get food in the kids’ belly, before heading off to school. For those mornings when we’re running more behind than usual, I need to have some grab-and-go types of things that the kids can eat in the car. I am happy to report that Safeway affiliate stores currently have a promotion that should help with those busy mornings. I was shocked to see the savings I was able to get on an assortment of foods with the Buy 4 Save $4 promotion at Safeway affiliate stores. Participating items will be marked with a tag and promoted in local weekly sales flyers. For this week’s sales, I was able to score some great deals on Nutri-grain bars, cereal, individual and large bottled juices, fruit snacks (using these as a reward for kids making their beds without being asked), and more. Just a little tip. If you are looking at the cereal, keep an eye out for any residual cereal boxes boasting a free movie ticket. I was able to snag a box with a movie coupon code, which I can pair with a box of cereal I already had at home. For this particular offer, purchase two boxes and redeem for a free movie ticket! Nice deals all around!
A little protein packed into a yogurt doesn’t hurt either! Pair a Dannon Oikos yogurt with a Nutri-grain bar and several bases are covered! I’d likely add a banana or an apple too. Oikos yogurts were also on sale, but were not part of the Buy 4 Save $4 promotion at my store. Keep in mind that prices and sales may vary by store.
I am proud to say that I came away from Safeway spending a fairly small amount for quite a few items. My kids now have a fairly complete on-the-go breakfast for those busy busy mornings! If they’re really hungry, the kids can help themselves to a Nutri-grain bar, yogurt, piece of fruit and an individual juice. Great buys worth checking out at Safeway affiliate stores, and I’m so glad I had most of my crew to help me out with my on-the-go breakfast shopping.
View more of my shopping trip and more of the Buy 4 Save $4 promotion from my Google+ Album.
“I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study forCollective Bias® and Safeway #cbias #SocialFabric. All opinions expressed are my own.”
Chelsea @ Someday I'll Learn says
My kids aren’t even school yet, and somehow mornings are already hectic. I can’t even imagine when we have somewhere to BE!