Angry Birds Cake
My oldest son is in Boy Scouts and every year they have a Blue & Gold Banquet where the boys are supposed to make a cake with their dad. Then the families all gather together for dinner, awards and merit badges, and show off their cakes. Each cake gets an award as well. Being a huge Angry Birds fan, my son decided he wanted an Angry Birds Cake for scouts. He thought that if we did the blue and gold birds, it should fit into the theme of the “Blue & Gold” Banquet. Enough anyway!
Dad was away at school when it was time to make the cake so my big boy and I did it together. I purchased some gum paste and fondant to see if I could tell a difference in forming the different pieces. I have been told that gum paste is easier to work with. I think for something delicate like flowers, you’d definitely want to use gum paste as it’s a little more pliable.
For the eyes, we used fondant and an icing marker to color in the black dots. Getting the undereyes just right was a bit tricky. We happened to get the slingshot in a happy meal the day before so it worked perfectly!
My son made most of the pigs, and the eggs. My husband’s one contribution was the nest. Didn’t the guys do a great job? No the birds and pigs aren’t as smooth as we would have liked, but hey, we’re amateurs and my son was pleased. His cake was by far the best one at scouts that night!
Kristi says
This looks awesome! So much fun!
Margaret says
Love it!!
Shari says
Love the cake!
Terra Heck says
The cake looks great! My sons are fans of Angry Birds too and would be thrilled with a cake like this.
Keith Miller says
My son’s going to love this!