With four kids, I feel like I am always working to keep everyone healthy. It often feels like colds move from one person to the next. Luckily my kids haven’t been hit hard this past year. It’s me that has been struggling! Moms are often overworked and underpaid, and our health is often pushed to the back of the line. It’s a good thing our kids are so darn cute and lovable, which makes it all worth it. However, in order to be the best moms we can be, we need to feel our best!
I feel like I have had this perpetual cold for the past several months. Now that it’s Spring, I keep asking myself if this is a cold or allergies. Who knows! Now I have car accident injuries to add to the pile and my health is just a mess. Sound like anyone else?
Over the past couple of years, I have been getting educated about the benefits of probiotics. I even had one of my twin boys take them for a little while to help with his gastrointestinal tract and skin. It sure did help! Rather than a medicine or vitamin, probiotics are actually a good (healthy) bacteria that our bodies can sometimes benefit from. This type of bacteria can actually help our bodies to function properly. From what I’ve read, it sounds like things such as antibiotics, hormone changes, and diet can imbalance our flora. That’s where probiotics come in. That healthy bacteria can help to restore normal and healthy flora, which I could use right now!
Probiotics for Women’s Health
is a probiotic designed for women. When there is a disruption between the bad and good bacteria that reside in our bodies, women can experience upsettedness with their digestive and feminine health. That’s where comes in. Each of the bacteria in Provella™ were chosen for women to support digestive and vaginal health. They come in the form of tablets which are to be taken by mouth once per day. I received a couple of bottles of Provella™, but I haven’t been taking them long enough yet to notice any huge differences. Time will tell!
Provella™ is available on , but if you want to shop in-store, be sure to print this $6 off Provella™ coupon! Now for the fun part. I get to give 5 30-day supplies of Provella™ away to five of you! This giveaway will end at 11:00am PST on 4/23. Giveaway is open to the continental United States, and you must be 18 years or older to enter. Fill out the form below to enter.
“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Provella™. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”
Cara James says
Probably me:0
Helen says
My husband seems to get most of the stomach issues. I get more of the cold and cough issues.
Mary Carmody-Trotman says
I’m the guilty party when it comes to getting sick. It’s usually my stomach. :o/
Tricia Ihde says
I have been the healthy one this year compared to my husband. It is partly the daily probiotics, enzymes, extra virgin coconut oil, antioxidants, and other health supplements that I take. Extra virgin coconut oil is antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal plus it feeds your brain with ketones so you can avoid Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Diabetes. Also, if I am going to be around a lot of people who might be contagious, I take Echinacea, Goldenseal, Olive Leaf Extract, and an Immunity mushroom complex.
lucy h. says
My husband.
Teresa T says
Its always nice to have specific products just for women. I would love to try this product
Suellen Jennings says
I am always sick! I have a lot of GI issues, this sounds like it could help.
Deb E says
Oh that would be me. Isn’t it most always the caretaker?! I do take probiotics but they seem to lose their effectiveness after a while, so I switch off brands. This prize would be great for me!
Maralea says
My husband!
Mary Worley @msmary1962 says
Me and hubs
joanna reed says
our baby
Mary W says
My daughter. She’s constantly got a head cold or something going on!
Lori says
Me. Lotta tummy troubles.
Sarah Barnes says
Probably me lol
janice brown says
I would need the product,Thanks fpr this giveaway
Jenn Skinner says
My husband is the one who always has stomach issues. =(
holly saunders says
me for sure
kathy starkey says
ld love to try
ioana c. says
we are pretty healthy , none of us get sick often!!
Gail says
Usually I get am the one to get sick. This year I am doing pretty well so far!
Tracy says
Me 🙁 Would love to find something to help my insides feel healthy!
pam mason says
would love these
Jennifer Short says
I do! I spent ALL of last year on antibiotics. And I mean ALL of last year. I thought I’d have to be on them until this month but the infection cleared up sooner than expected!
Lisa says
Id say i get sick the most
Patty says
I have been sick more this year but my daughter seems to get sick as I’m getting over it…
Elizabeth Towns says
Me! With fibromyalgia! I get the most upset stomach of anyone in our family.
Elizabeth Rising Early, 31 Days
Tara says
I would love to win these!
christy says
My mom.. She has MS and tends to get sick ALOT! 🙁
Sacha Schroeder says
My 9 year old for sure!
Laurel says
I could use a renewed flora and fauna!
Heather Hazen says
my 3 year old gets sick the most. Just mild colds though. I thank the probiotics he takes
Holly Thomas says
Everyone would agree it is me!!
sus says
Nori S says
We’re pretty healthy, but I’d say that I probably get sick the most.
Eulalia says
My seven year old is always the one to get sick. He catches everything that is going around
Vanessa says
I definitely get sick the most. :/
Melissa P. says
My son and I are usually pretty good. We both have issues with a bellies from time to time.
Sherry S. says
I get sick the most.
Cindy Merrill says
I Do, mostly I get UTI, even when I take cranberry supplements. It’s not fun at all when you’re sick.
Sheila S says
It seems as if my husband is the one getting sick the most often lately.
lisa kay says
My Husband is the one that is always sick around here..Then we all suffer..LOL
Lisa P. says
That would be me.
Ttrockwood says
My sister seems to get sick the most- i swear a big part of why i don’t is taking probiotics daily and my healthy vegan diet!
Sue Ellison says
I get sick the most and I always end up with a nagging cough that won’t go away.
Nichol Tone says
I get sick the most
sean pynaert says
My son seems to bring everything home
Darlene Jones-Nelson says
I do cause I am always around little kids whom always seem to be sick.
Shannon says
I do for sure as I take care of myself after caring for everyone else.
Pat B says
I’d have to say my mom does.
Emily N. says
I seem to
Amanda Hoffman says
i do
Tess Crosswhite says
My husband always seem to have a cough
Nancy Sloan says
The kids are always getting sick in our family
Karen Gonyea says
I think I do !
Sarah S says
My brother seems to get sick more often than anyone else in the family. If something is going around, he’ll catch it.
Betty League says
We eat and drink fairly healthy so we don’t get sick very often. My daughter seems to catch those nasty bugs the most because she works with the public. thank you
Daina Brower says
Jeannie Smith says
husband has a lot of medical problems so he gets sick more often than I do. I do however have IBS so I just deal with my stomach all the time.
Nicole Clawson says
I am always sick I’ve been ill for what seems like forever
Cathy says
Megan Borah-Pribble says
my two boys are equally sick. They’re constantly sharing germs and illnesses 🙁
Beth M says
One of my sons always seems to get sick… Every winter, at least a couple times.
susan smoaks says
my husband gets sick the most in our family, he has allergies that lead to other illnesses sometimes
lilshuga2001 says
I am guilty of being the sickly one 🙁 – im always out n about 🙁
Denise S says
My husband is sick almost constantly!
Heather says
I am always getting sick and I don’t even work or go to school 🙁 The five kids bring me all the germs
jamie wiseman says
Would love to win! Always nice to try a new product without footing the bill!
staci n says
I have the stomach issues in the family