As I wrap up my ambassadorship with GoodNites Bed Mats, I want to share a few things I’ve learned. The biggest thing I have learned about bedwetting is that you can save yourself a lot of trouble and frustration. I can’t imagine that anybody enjoys changing wet sheets in the middle of the night. You’re tired and likely grouchy because you’d rather be in bed. GoodNites Bed Mats save you that hassle. The mats are thin and comfortable enough for your little ones to lay on, but they certainly do absorb any moisture.
GoodNites Bed Mats allow your child to go to bed without having to wear a diaper or pull-up, which gives them the confidence of being a “big kid”. Sometimes that confidence is all they need to help them stay dry at night. This may not always be true, but it certainly has given my daughter more confidence. While she still struggles with staying dry in the night, everyone is happy and more calm about the situation because we aren’t having to change sheets in the middle of the night. I really think that sometimes less pressure and frustration in these sensitive areas with our kids, can really help give them more confidence. It’s a win-win for all!
I would say we have actually progressed with staying dry at night, while trying the Bed Mats over the last two months. We lessen Bea’s water intake right before bed, and we make sure she potties before going down for the night. These two things combined with the confidence of getting to go to bed with big girl panties has helped my daughter have MORE dry nights than ever before.
Log onto the GoodNites website to learn more about bedwetting, also called Nocturnal Enuresis, and take the Better Night Test. Before you head out to purchase your Bed Mats, snag this GoodNites Coupon for extra savings.
“I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of GoodNites. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”
Molly Coyle says
Hi there,
Hope you are doing well! I wanted to reach out on behalf of GoodNites. We’re looking to work with some bloggers with children who have experienced bedwetting at some point, either currently or in the past, to help us create content to normalize it in an effort to remove the stigma.
I know you’ve written about bedwetting before – is this something you’d be interested in writing about again? If so, can you send a media kit or rates for a blog post/blog post series?
We’ll be able to provide more information in a few days, but right now we’re looking to gage interest and better understand cost implications.
Thanks so much!