Read how I received a Black & Decker Smart Select Steam Mop to review and how I used it to non-toxic clean 5 of the dirtiest, hard to clean, places in my home. All opinions expressed are 100% my own
I love having a clean home, and its something that I work hard at. I always find that a clean and organized home helps me and my family feel more at peace and our home more calm. That being said…. I have two very active kids who love to explore, and discover. For me that means a lot of little (or not so little) messes and that some areas of the house don’t always get as much attention as I would like them to, while I am outside giving that time to my little explorers. Honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way! I have a sign in my house that says “please excuse the mess, the children are making memories” which kind of sums it up for me. It’s just about finding that happy balance!
However, I would certainly take a way to clean and sanitize my home quickly and easily that allows me to get the kind of clean I want and be able to enjoy time with my little explores (and not fret about how long it will take to clean their messes).
This is exactly what I found when I tried out the Black & Decker Smart Select Steam Mop. I loved the lightweight design and the fact that it kills 99.9% of germs without the use of any chemicals; just water! I loved it so much I wanted to try it out on some of the dirtiest spots in my house. Before I take take you behind the scenes with some of my house’s dirty little secrets (don’t judge… You know you have those spots too), you can view the mop in action here. Then come see how I was able to get a non-toxic clean using my steam-mop!
1. KITCHEN FLOOR: Our kitchen floor is probably the hardest spot in my home to keep clean. Because my kitchen is the center of our home (in amount of activity and location) the floors get a lot of foot traffic, spills and messes. Add to that the fact that my floors are a very bright white that seems to reflect even the tiniest spot of dirt, and you can get an idea of why I am constantly cleaning this area!
This was the first place I cleaned with the black and decker smart select steam mop and I was pretty impressed. I was able to set the control to the tile setting, using the smart select screen, and the mop automatically adjusted the amount of steam needed for my type of floors. I didn’t find that it saved me much time on mopping (maybe that is just because I mop that floor so much that I have it down to an art form) but I liked that it left my floors feeling clean and sanitised without any residue from household cleaners, making for a very nice shine on my tiles!
2. SHARPIE MARKS: My 21 month old is a bit of a fein when it comes to permanent markers! I don’t even know how she manages to find them, as I always put them out of her reach! As a result we have permanent marker artwork all around our home. One particular masterpiece ended up on the tile around our fireplace and for weeks I have been trying everything to get it off. I decided to use the steam mop
on it, and it was off in seconds! I was stunned at how well it worked! The steam mop has a “lift and release” feature that allows you to remove a smaller portion of the steam mop out of the larger panel, for use in smaller or hard to reach areas. I used this feature to clean my sharpie mess, and like magic, it was clean!
3. AROUND THE TOILET: I’m going to spare you the details on how this area gets messy, but lets just say… It really does! I decided to use the “lift and release” feature again to clean around the sides and back of the toilet. Even though cleaning the steam mop pads is very easily done (just pull off the pad and throw it in the laundry) the thought of using the same pad that I used to clean the toilet, to later clean elsewhere, kind of creeps me out. However, something I love about the steam mop is that 2 of each sized pad are included in the box, so I was able to mark one as a “bathroom only” pad and not be so freaked out. Cleaning around the toilet was super easy, and once again I was really relieved to know that the steam was killing 99.9% of whatever germs back where there…. Moving on!
4. BASEBOARDS: Maybe I’m just weird, but I have a strange obsession with having clean baseboards. I think clean baseboards make an entire room look cleaner! However, it is kind of “high work” but “low priority” to-do item, so they are rarely as clean as I would like. The Black & Decker Steam Mop made cleaning them so easy though, that I may finally have the clean baseboards I have always dreamed of. I adjusted the steam mop to the “wood” setting, and used the small “lift and release” portion and was able to easily give my baseboards a good cleaning.
5. BATHROOM TILE: I have a walk-in shower that is entirely tiled (ceiling to floor) and a sunken tub that is completely surrounded by tile. I really love it, but scrubbing all of that tile is very tedious. I took the steam mop in there to clean some of the tile. A nice feature of the steam mop is that if you set the handle to the upright position, it turns off instantly, so you can rest it on one of the extra pads and work on that area while the steam mop is just waiting for you.
This feature worked great for cleaning the tile as it allowed me to really sanitize an area after I had scrubbed the grime off. I was really happy to be able to reduce the amount of chemicals used for cleaning the bathroom tile. My only wish for the steam mop is that it came with some type of wand/ hose attachment so I could sanitize even more areas.
The Black & Decker Steam Mop is available through the Black & Decker website, retailing for $80.00.
Leanne Cox is a guest writer for She is a stay-at-home mom to two kids, and a credentialed preschool teacher. Leanne teaches “mommy-and-me” and “preschool style” music & movement classes through her business Little Stars Music & Movement Classes. She is passionate about encouraging early childhood education through hands on learning and exploration
Francine S says
I’d start in the kitchen, the most used room in our house also.
Sharon Williams says
I would tackle the bathroom first. I like the idea of getting around and in back of the toilet clean and sanitized
Aimee T says
We keep our birds in the mudroom off our back steps. Between wet winter foot traffic and the mess created by the birds, that linoleum floor gets DIRTY! A steam cleaner is the answer to a lot of mess!!!
M. Cameron says
Kitchen or bathroom
Mary W says
I’d start in the bathroom. It needs it!
Laura Miller says
My sticky kitchen!!! Yuck!
Heather says
I need this for my bathroom. That’s what I’d get started with!
Tammy says
I would take on the mud room where the litter pan lives!
Betty Harrison says
I have seen these and always wanted to try one! Would love to win one
Lottie Heinicke says
This would help me out because I have a fractured neck and it is hard to do a lot of house work, Hope I win! Thank you
Brenda McCracken says
I would use this in all of my ceramic tile in the house. Bathroom,kitchen and hallway.
Casey Miller says
Bathroom would be job #1`
Vicki Nelson says
A wood setting? Now that is what I need!
Kathren says
The bathroom!
Stacy S. says
awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I would love something to make my old bathroom tile pretty! 🙂
Rita Risner says
I would tackle the kitchen floor first because it has the most traffic. I need this so bad!!!!!
Vickie Moyer says
Definitely the kitchen!
Marguerite Miller says
I think the place I would tackle the most with this is the bathrooms!! Without a doubt!
latanya says
the kitchen
Lynda says
Kitchen, I have a “Messy Marvin!”
Kassie Jo Lauhoff says
The bathrooms
Nell Lamb says
My kitchen, and then the bathroom!!
sylvia says
the kitchen and bathroom
Krissi says
My entire downstairs! The whole thing is tile and needs a good cleaning.
Vicky W says
Why of course the busiest room in the house, my kitchen
Mary says
The Kichen
Amber Belt says
We really need a new way to clean our kitchen and bathroom floors! Thanks!
Gina H. says
Bathroom floor
Brenda says
Kitchen, kitchen and the kitchen!
natalie says
Ruth Anderson says
The kitchen first I had an older type steam cleaner and loved it I wore it out and I would love to win this one .If I don’t win I know the winner will be very pleased. Thanks for the chance.
sandra says
Linda V says
Kitchen floor, please!
Stephanie Belleque says
Definitely the kitchen!
Pat B says
The vinyl flooring in my kitchen, bath and hallway
Ann Parker says
my bathroom
Rachel G. says
I would definitely start with the bathroom!
Sheila Jones says
I would LOVE to tackle my bathrooms.
Devon M says
My Kitchen!!!
Katie Sexton says
the kitchen
Andrea says
The Kitchen!!!!!!!!!
Jessamine D. says
I’d like to use this on our kitchen, dining room and bathrooms 🙂
Stephanie Payamos says
The kitchen floor
Suellen Jennings says
I would start in the bathroom! Or better yet, take it to work!
Jen Kirchoff says
my kitchen
Helen Stockwell says
Definately my kitchen and living room hardwood floors
Samantha Daleo says
The bathrooms!! Those floors never get clean enough and my knees can’t handle me scrubbing on the floor anymore.
Amanda Spencer says
The bathroom!! With 3 boys in the house it gets pretty gross.
Laurel Stowe says
I’d use this in my kitchen the most!!
Libby's Library says
The kitchen!!!!!
Libby's Library says
The kitchen!!!!!
Paulette says
I would use this all over my house as I have ceramic tile everywhere
ellen willett says
jennifer durant says
i’d love to attack my bath room with it, home of the kitty litter box 😛
Nicole Balogh says
Definitely my kitchen floor!
Amy Ballou says
I would use it in my kitchen first.
Juanita Hobbs says
The bathroom around the toilet
Carol Diane Cross says
The bathroom!
Roseanne A says
Kitchen floor!
Megan E Hanne Smith says
Our entire upstairs is wood floors so I would totally use it on those as well as our ceramic tile in the bathrooms!! I have 4 lil men and one lil lady on the way so this would really come in handy!!
Christine says
I would use it 1’st in the bathroom, But I would also use it on my ceramic tile floor in my kitchen!
Rachel Berry says
My hallways and bathroom. It doesn’t matter how many times I mop them they’re instantly dirty.
jacci Queen says
Gotta have help with the kitchen!
Dawn P says
I just moved into a house with no carpeting and could use this everywhere!
Mary Beth Elderton says
The bathroom floor would be first.
Wanda Rupright says
My kitchen! It gets SO much traffic, and spills, and…well, you get the idea. And I have never been disappointed with a Black and Decker product. Ever! (and I don’t know my Pinterest URL 🙁
Becky H says
The Bathroom!
KJ says
The bathrooms!
Diana says
I would start with the kitchen tile then to the 3 bathrooms, my office tile floor and my wood floors. I could use this pretty much all over my house!
faith b says
I would use in my bathroom with a family of 6 and 4 being males I need help there.. big time
christina Martinez says
with three rowdy messy boys where wouldn’t I use this, even my ceilings need a good scrub lol =)
Jennifer H says
I have hardwood floors in my dining room and kitchen. They are ALWAYS full of footprints and food by days end. I would LOVE this mop to make my clean up quick and easy!
Myrna says
I have a lot of tile in the downstairs portion of this house, and I would probably start in the kitchen.
Samantha K says
We just moved into our rental home, so I would definitely put this to good use in the kitchen and bathrooms first, then I would give it a whirl on the high traffic areas. I also have an almost four year old and a baby on the way, so this would be perfect to keep things nice and clean!
Laurey Byrd says
I would use it on my kitchen tile first, then I would like to try it on my kitchen cabinets.
Eva Cross says
well I guess the bathroom would be my first stop do to two little boys who are potty training, then on to the kitchen to clean the cabinets and everything else
Deb says
I would tackle the bathroom first, because that’s the room I hate to clean the most!
Christina says
I’d use it in the kitchen mainly!!
Marianne Anthony says
I want this so dang bad. I’ve tried to enter before and your site won’t let me. Lets see if it does this time.
Catherine Infantino Polachek says
I would love to use this in the bathroom and also in the laundry room too
nyla says
Hi I would love to win a new mop. Every mop i ever tried turned out to be junk and useless.
Brenda Maxwell says
My whole house(tile floor) to clean up family and pets!
Ellen Pine Hurteau says
I would love a new one, we have a small one but could really use a bigger one……..
Mary Haywood says
I would tackle my daughter’s room, you have no idea how badly I need this!
Cheryl Bryan says
I would start with baseboards!!! In the bathroom!
vickie says
My kitchen- I’m one of the messiest cooks -somehow I always spill something
Melissa Snyder says
I would love to use this to tackle my kitchen!
Diana Noll says
The bathroom. I have boys!!!!
Andrea says
Jessie Downey says
mud room
Sonja A. says
I would like to start with the dining room floor and then the bathroom.
Wanda says
I’d definitely start with the kitchen…
Kristie D. says
I would love to tackle my bathroom. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Carla says
My kitchen. It’s in front of the house so it gets dirty fast.
Beth says
I just moved into a new place so it would be used in the walk-in shower that is all tile, the bathroom floors (2.5 baths), the entry way, the enclosed patio area, the laundry room, and the kitchen. They are just super dirty and the caulking has some mold in both of the full bathrooms.
Lee Ann Farrell says
1 Husband, check
1 messy teenager, check
2 slobbering Labrador retrievers, check…check
1 really messy house that could definitely use this wonderful tool….(especially the bathroom and kitchen…eee gad!)
Susan H. says
I’d use it first in my kitchen, then my bathrooms!
Cyndi says
I would love to win this as i have a bad back and this mop would make mopping easier.
Cassandra Gore says
Bathroom first, hallway then kitchen! This sure would help us make the jump to no carpets.
Arlene @FlourOnMyFace says
My kitchen tile
Dona McCormick says
I would love to have this in my home!!!!! Raising 3 grandkids, 1 dog, 2 cat’s and Ceramic tile everywhere except the bedrooms….. This would be a life saver for me!!!!
Melissa Marino says
The room I would tackle first would be our bathrooms. We live in an older home and those tiles are so hard to clean.
Joanna Sherwood says
Definitely the bathroom!!!!
Danielle says
My bathrooms for sure!
Patricia Lobitz says
I would tackle the ktchen first and then the bathrooms and the laundry room. I sooooo need this! Thanks for the chance!
karole says
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Laurie F says
AngelA says
My kitchen needs this badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
beth m says
I think the kitchen
Martha Favillo says
OMG! The Kitchen, I have a husband that says a messy cook is a good cook and 7 dogs that agree!
Helen says
Amanda says
Oh I would start on 1 side of the house and work my way to the other side! LOL 😀
Heather Driskill says
I would take down the entry way.
debbie edwards says
the kitchen
Anita Sharp says
Hmm…Kitchen or bathroom…hard to choose! I probably would start in my kitchen, as it gets the most traffic, that being said…with four boys, the bathroom is a close second!! I would love to be able to sanitize without harsh chemicals!
tina liles says
I would use this everywhere.. I have hardwood floors through out my house and ceramic tiles in the bathroom!!!
Crystal says
I would use this in my kitchen, bathrooms, foyer, laundry room & basement. It would get a lot of use in my house!
Kim Stone says
I want to tackle the kitchen! It has the most traffic.
stefanie moore says
Leigh S says
Kim Wellnitz says
The kitchen would be the first room I would tackle.
Sherry Sutton Cooper says
The kitchen floor!
rose johnson says
My kitchen. Grand-kids always spilling something!
Tabitha Kesterson says
My kitchen it seems to be a never ending battle.
Vicky D says
My entry floor really needs help!
Dianna T. says
My Livingroom!!!
Ashley M says
Definitely our entry way! The dogs have tracked in so much mud today due to the heavy rain. 🙁
Amy Al says
I so need a new one of these – my kitchen, dinning, living room, and bathrooms could use a good mop! I love steam mops but its time for a new one!!!!
courtney gibson says
the kitchen and bathroom
Amanda B. says
I would LOVE to use this in the kitchen and in the bathroom. I love that you get two pads, so you can separate it. I agree, it would creep me out to have to use the same pad even if you can wash it after. ANYHOOO, love it. I would love to win this!
terisa says
With two little boys I’d have to say the bathroom, esp around the toilet!
Amber Edwards says
I want this for the bathrooms! Seriously no contest! I hate cleaning my bathrooms with my hands, cleaner and paper towels! I love steam cleaners, and would feel much better about how clean my bathroom is with the.
Janice Darrow says
Bathroom and Kitchen! No kids anymore, but the dirt still builds up!
carole says
I would really use this in my kitchen cause everyone tracks through it
Anne says
Starting in the kitchen, I would work my way through all the rooms that have hard wood & tile flooring. Then walk through each of the rooms enjoying the fresh, clean scent & sparkling clean look of each floor. I am sure the difference in the before (use) & after would be very noticeable with 2 kids, 1 dog & 3 cats. I probably would even throw a party, inviting friends over to see the difference for themselves.
Misty B says
Kelli Dickinson says
I have tile in the kitchen and dining room that needs desperately to be cleaned. so I would start there.
Dan says
2 areas: the kitchen floor, and the bathroom floor. basically a tie! the kitchen is used more, the bathroom is more difficult to clean…
April Trent says
I’d start in the kitchen.
renee walters says
I would tackle the bathroom first!
Jenn T says
The kitchen would be my first priority, for sure. We live in that room!
angela says
With 3 little ones constanlty playing on the floor one of these would be a lifesaver!
Milian O says
I really need to tackle my dining room. It always looks so grimey.
Naomi says
I’d for sure tackle my kitchen tile first!! Like you said, the heart of the home, and it can get nasty…. real quick!!
Leah says
Kitchen and bathrooms, for sure!
Melissa says
My living room!
Rebecca Z. says
I would tackle my kitchen first!
Maralea says
My kitchen
danielle says
Definitely the kitchen and bathrooms
Candi h. says
Oh em gee I would freaking LOVE to win this! My shark steam mop just finally broke a few weeks ago and with two kids, two dogs and a somewhat OCD husband about a clean house I am missing it dearly!!!!! My daughter is at the stage where she dumps dog food and water on the floor every day, when she is done eating she throws everything from her high chair on the floor :/ HELP!
Veronica R says
My kitchen floor!
Nicole H. says
I’d start in the kitchen/dining room and then move to the bathroom!
Shae H. says
My kitchen!
Lynne Auchterlonie Tidei says
Sounds cool!
Cordelia says
We have tile in our kitchen also except it has a brown smudgy designs. Sometime I can just imagine guests staring at it trying to decipher the design from the actual dirt! We definitely need one of these so no one gets confused!
Stephanie says
The kitchen for sure
John says
Kitchen and Bath areas. Messy and tiled.
Tiffany Sizemore says
Our house is ALL HW floors and I can’t seem to find ANYTHING that gets them clean. I think I have Pinned everything on Pinterest (as well as tried it all). I’m hoping this can be my answer!
L Boyd says
Definitely the bathroom!!
L Boyd says
Definitely the bathroom!!
Chrystal S says
Can I just say all of it? Cats, dogs, and foster animals! By the way….not all fosters come to me housetrained. I just want it all clean!! And easy! To pick just one would be impossible. And don’t get me started on the kitty litter all over the bathroom -_- Even though I have the huge boxes! Oy!
Crissy D. says
I want to give to kitchen a deep clean. It is mess central in my house and could really use it!
Adrienne Gordon says
our kitchen
Melissa Gray says
Definitely the kitchen floor. I’d love to see if this steam mop could really deep clean my grimy looking floor.
Cathy Truman says
My Kitchen floor needs the Smart Select Steam Mop.
julie murphy says
the kitchen for sure
dan williams says
like to use it on the kitchen
christina moore says
i would use in the kitchen, bathroom and den
steph gregory says
I want to use it in the kitchen and bathroom.
marian boll says
The bathrooms oh yes please yes!!
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
I would tackle the kitchen floor!
nickie says
Kitchen or bathroom
April Brenay says
this would be great in our kitchen and in our two bathrooms! could really help!
betty wojnar says
I want to use this in my kitchen
Tari Lawson says
I want to tackle my bathrooms.
Tamar says
The bathroom and the kitchen 🙂
Sue Ellison says
I want to tackle my kitchen floor.
Mary Casper says
I would tackle the bathrooms and kitchen, messiest areas in my house
Katie Roch says
I want to tackle my bathroom floors with this great steam mop. I’m sure that’s the area in my house with the most germs.
TJ says
KITCHEN… grandkids spill everything… sticky fingers and sticky floors always..
cathy miller says
It is a toss up between the bathroom and the kitchen both could use a steam clean one a day or so we have 3 dogs and a cat they leave plenty of mess. Thanks for the opportunity to win
Lorena Keech says
I would definitely tackle the bathroom first.
Carolyn N. says
I would love to use this on the tile that is in our kitchen and living room.
cjnedrow at gmail dot com
Melissa O says
I’d start in the bathroom first. Then the kitchen.
Veronica L says
Ugh, My boys bathroom 🙂
Susan Christy says
My bathroom floors first, then the laundry room.
Alexis R says
Definitely my kitchen and bathrooms!
Wehaf says
I would start in the bathroom, definitely!
Karen says
My kitchen floors
carol says
I will start in my kitchen
laura ari says
I would tackle the tile in the kids bathroom. Yuck!
Katie K says
my living room tile
darlene carbajal says
the living room 🙂
Stephanie Larison says
I’d use this in the kitchen!
Tarah says
The kitchen floor for sure – with two young boys – our floor is always a mess!
Monique Rizzo says
I like the kitchen.
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
trisha kilpatrick says
My whole house really needs a visit by this device, but I think I would want to tackle the bathrooms the most.
McKim says
Definately my bathroom and kitchen floors.
Kele Wassum says
Definitely the kitchen!!
Colleen Boudreau says
My kitchen!
Jeana O'donnell-Murphy says
Kitchen and bathroom floors!
Kathy B says
The bathroom, especially behind the toilet, ewww
Michelle M. says
First the kitchen and then the a cleaning fanatic and literally get excited when i see new gadgets to help make the job easier.
Kristi C says
I would start with the bathrooms.
Christine says
the bathroom
Austin Baroudi says
The bathroom for sure!
janna johnson says
my kitchen
Shannon Gallagher says
My kitchen. Then I’d move onto the dining room and bathrooms!
Holly C. says
I would love to tackle the bathroom floor!
Tanya White says
I would start with the kitchen then work my way into the bathroom.
Noreen Paulsen says
Oh my goodness – the entire upstairs – have laminate flooring throughout the house – would love to have this
Debra G says
First, the kitchen and tackle the bathroom!!!
Deneen Jobe says
The bathroom~
Jennifer Hatfield says
I have all tile & wood floors throughout my house other than the bedrooms, I couldn’t pick one room that I would clean more than another.
malki b says
kitchen and bathroom!!
Hope says
The kitchen for sure! The door to the backyard is there and so the dogs and kids track in so much dirt!
jennifer e says
Our bathroom needs it most!
Lynnette Watkins says
My kitchen could use it the most
susan wiener says
I’d start in the bathroom too. thx
tracy haar says
The kitchen and bathroom
Shelia S says
I want to tackle the kitchen and bathrooms with this. My Shark steam mop finally bit the dust.
robyn says
this would be nice to win
Dawn Garvin says
Yay!! I finally got to post this. I was having issues with my phone I think. I would tackle all my tile flooring with the Black and Decker steam mop. My daughter owns this mop and I have borrowed it to do my floors and I love how easy it is to use. It steams my tile fooring so beautifully.
michelle ericson says
My son”s room
Marcy Strahan says
My bedroom & ktichen are press & stick tiles that I can never seem to get truly clean. Even the best cleaners leave a hayz film.
I would love to tackle my dirty floors with the Black & Decker Smart Select Steam Mop!
Trish F says
Hello, my upstairs bathroom with its deep whirlpool bathtub. I would use it in there. Thanks for a great giveaway!
Tonja m says
Ould love this for my kitchen. Sounds so simple to use and would be easy on my arthritis on my fingers
betty says
both bathrooms could use the attention
Maria Rhoades says
I would love to take the Black & Decker steam mop to my kitchen and bathroom floors and baseboards. Then it would be to the entry hall floors. With my teen son constantly tracking in one thing or another, I am in dreamland just thinking about using the steam mop!! 🙂
Danielle M. says
Kitchen & bathrooms 🙂
Susan Chester says
My kitchen and dining area could use this!
debbie Campbell says
my kitchen always needs cleaning
Jeanne says
I would love to use this on the tile floors in our master bath and in the kitchen.
Jennifer Reed says
The part of my house that I want to tackle the most with this would be my bathroom floors.
alyce poalillo says
The “cat room” where we keep the litter pans and feeding station
Jody Sisson says
I would say the first thing I would tackle would be the Bathroom Floor.
joni says
The tile floor in my mud room.
Shawn says
I would love to use this in my entryway and kitchen.
Tom Bellamy says
My kitchen
melissa Resnick says
my hardwood floors then bathroom
Deb C says
I need this for many rooms but especially the kitchen.
Paula Hafner says
I want to tackle my kitchen floor. It gets nasty.
Jill Myrick says
I would love to tackle the ceramic tile in my kitchen and baths with this steam mop.
Eileen Burke says
My bathroom for sure, with 2 young boys in the house, let’s just say they tend to miss a lot!
Paula Tavernie says
I would love to tackle my kitchen floor with this!!
Sean Chitwood says
The entire first floor of my townhouse is tiled, including kitchen, dining and living area. With three boys and a dog I need something that can tackle and brighten my floors without the workout.
Melissa Nagy says
I most want to use this to tackle my kitchen floor. It is vinyl and has a texture to it which captures every piece of dirt available.
Lisa Garner says
I want to tackle my kitchen floors most with this.
john hutchens says
I would start in the kitchen then the dining room
Deb K says
My kitchen floor needs this so bad!
Breanne says
My kitchen
deana c says
I would love to use this in my kitchen!
Kim H says
I would like to tackle my kitchen first
Kelly W says
The Kitchen! Can never be too clean
mindy cole says
both my kitchen and bathroom
Nicole D. says
My kitchen floor! It shows everything and always looks dirty!
jules m. says
the kitchen floor- it is always getting dirty!
Sheila Hall says
I want to tackle the living room the most.
Jennifer says
I would tackle the kitchen floor first. It always needs a good cleaning.
richelle bowers says
entryway floor
Miz Vickik says
My kitchen!
Richard Hicks says
would tackle the kitchen floor first!!!
brich22 at earthlink dot net
Deb S says
I would tackle my kitchen.
AmyBond says
Definitely the main bathroom, this would be great on the tile floor!
Dorothy Deakyne says
Kitchen is high traffic area in my house
Nicole Millheim says
My kitchen. I know spills happen in there I miss and then the dogs like to lay all over the tile.
Donna Kellogg says
I would like this for my Kitchen and Dining room
Nicole C. says
I would love to tackle my kitchen with this mop!
Lesley F says
The bathroom!
Jennifer Nixon says
I’d probably start in the kitchen. But it’d definitely get used everywhere!
Teresa Thompson says
My kitchen! Seems I can never keep clean floors.
Scarlett Graham says
I will start in the bathrooms.
Mihaela D. says
the kitchen
Angela Cash says
I would tackle the kitchen and the bath with this steam mop. This would also be great for the tile in the basement.
susan smoaks says
i want to use this in the kitchen!
Vikki Billings says
I would tackle my dining room and kitchen floors.
Kelly H. says
My kitchen!
Brittney House says
I would tackle it in my kitchen.
CharityS says
I need to clean my bathroom & kitchen.
Sand says
I’d like to tackle my kitchen with this.
Melvina Julian says
I have pets and I woud like to clean my kitchen and living room floors with this.
Brian E. says
Thanks for the giveaway…kitchen & bathrooms !
Laurie L says
kitchen and bathrooms!!!!
golden storm says
I would use this for my kitchen for sure
Jennifer Wright says
All of our living areas are tile…I’d start in the living room, then kitchen and then bathrooms last.
Katrina J says
I have a white kitchen floor and a toddler. That would probably make food and crayon cleaning a lot easier!
Crystal Pacarro says
Would love to use on our baseboards!
Jennifer woods says
Wow. Thank you for this giveaway. I would love to use this for my bathrooms and kitchen. ;0)
Myrna says
Melissa Marino says
I would use this in our kitchen. Seems that is wear we get the most traffic plus the kitchen needs to be clean in my opinion more so then other floors since that is where we cook and eat. 🙂
Paulette says
I would use this all over my house as I have both ceramic and wood floors through out my house.
Regina Cozad says
I’d definitely tackle my bathroom first then move on to my other floors 🙂
Charlene Kuser says
I would to tackle my kitchen first.I am always cleaning the kitchen floor.
micshell self says
the bathroom, with its tiny lil head and odd angles, it will definitelty help me out there!! especially with my scleroderma, i can grasp or grip anything, including sponges or anythung so this would be great!!!
Betty C says
I would start with the bathroom first. There are always areas behind the toilet that are harder to keep clean.
Valerie M says
Definitely for the bathroom and Kitchen and then I would bring it to my moms to use in hers!