I was sponsored by OKHELLO to spread the news about their new IPhone/ IPad app for free group video chatting and media sharing. All opinions expressed are my own. Learn how you can come Together with OkHello Video Chat App for iPhones and iPads.
OkHello Video Chat App for iPhones and iPads
Family is one of the most important things in my life. I love family get togethers where we just sit around, chat and laugh and laugh and laugh. Most of my extended family lives across the country from me or across the world from me (in England). This makes family get togethers fairly challenging!
To stay close, we depend heavily on video chatting. It has made life so much more fun to actually see each other and have catch up sessions that make us feel like we are right there in each other’s living room. For big holidays we are known to all gather round a single webcam and chat for hours. While this is enormously fun, with all the family and kids it can sometimes be a challenge to fit everyone in so they can be seen and heard over the webcam and we end up playing “pass the lap-top.”
For this reason, I was really excited to try out OkHello. OkHello is a free video chat app that allows for free group video chats for up to 4 people at a time. I think this will work so well for my family! We can have a few different screens of people going, so we can all chat together without being huddled around one screen.
The app is fairly simple to use, and finding friends is easy as it allows you to use your phone contacts list, as well as your facebook and twitter accounts to add people. Once friends are added, you can start chatting!
When doing a group chat, the app gives you one small video window per person included in the conversation, then you can double click on one person and make them larger then the rest. I thought this was a good way to focus on the person who is talking at that time, as it allows you to quickly switch back and forth between who has the “big screen”.
Another feature of this app is that you can set up different rooms for different groups of people. You can then share photos, videos and text messages with the members of the room, even when you are not video chatting. I thought this would be a great way to share photos and news with all members of my family at once (especially if its a really goofy photo that I am not really wanting to post on Facebook).
The one downfall to the app was that as soon as you leave the app, you also leave the chat conversation (as opposed to other video chat apps that I have used that allow you to use other apps and remain chatting, so you can do an Internet search or double check information from an email while still talking). However, as it is a brand new app, I am hoping they will be able to fix this problem in the future.
Overall, I was really excited about the OkHello app and have already invited several members of my family to use it. I think that it will make group video chat sessions a lot easier and more feasible. For my family, that’s huge!
for free today, to start chatting!
Leanne Cox is a guest writer for CleverHousewife.com. She is a stay-at-home mom to two kids, and a credentialed preschool teacher. Leanne teaches “mommy-and-me” and “preschool style” music & movement classes through her business “Little Stars Music & Movement Classes” . She is passionate about encouraging early childhood education through hands on learning and exploration
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