Have you ever wondered what comes through your faucets at home? It’s not something that I have put a lot of thought into, but I can see how we may not all have the cleanest water. I can definitely say that I hate drinking water from my bathroom faucets. I don’t know why or what it is about the water, but I think it has a funny taste.
As I have done a little reading, I have learned some facts about tap water, that may be disconcerting to some. According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), there are 316 contaminants found in nation’s tap water, and more than half have no safety standards. I’m sure that many of these contaminants really aren’t detrimental to our health, but surely some of them could have a role into how we look and feel. I honestly just don’t like the fact that our tap water could be polluted with “unregulated” contaminants.
Beyond drinking water, I wanted to dig a little deeper and see if showering with filtered water would make a difference. The BPA-free Aquasana AQ-4100 Shower Filter brags that it removes harmful synthetic chemicals and chlorine in your water, leaving you with softer skin and shinier hair. Who can say no to that? This particular Shower Filter is made up of a two-stage filter system that uses a combination of copper-zinc oxidation media and coconut shell carbon to reduce 91% of the chlorine in your water, and also reduces synthetic chemicals and enhances pH balance. Aside from the softer and shinier hair, some people have discovered reduced asthma symptoms, just by using this filtering system.
I had my husband take off our old shower head in my son’s/guest bathroom, and attach the Aquasana Shower Filter. The installation process went fairly quickly, which is always a bonus. My son did ask what the funny looking thing hanging from the shower was, but hey, it pays to look and FEEL beautiful! My son has been using showering with filterered water for a couple of weeks now, and while he doesn’t notice a difference (he’s 9), I do! He had mildly rough skin on his low back – GONE, and I honestly think his hair looks more vibrant, and curlier when he gets out of the shower. He has always had some curls, so I’m happy to see that they’re not gone completely. Now I’m wanting to use his shower to test it out!
One Clever Housewife reader will get to try the Aquasana AQ-4100 Shower Filter for themselves! This giveaway will end at 11:59pm PT on 9/13. GIveaway is open to the US only, and prize fulfillment will be taken care of within 14 days. To enter, fill out the form below:
Stephanie says
I hope to have softer skin and less buildup in my hair
Linette K. says
Showering with filtered water would probably help my contact dermatitis!
Tabatha McFadden says
My hair is frizzy and “attacks” me at times so it would help with that. Also my sister has curly unruly hair that could use help.I am also always looking for better healthier ways to live life
Bridget says
I hope to have healthier skin and body since your skin absorbs whatever you put on it, including the nasty stuff in your water.
Jelaymy says
Maybe can help my skin to look better every day
Jennifer w says
Would love to have softer skin. Thank you.
Michelle Olms says
I hope to have soft skin and more vibrant hair.
Karen smith says
I hope to feel cleaner cause we have well water.
Lucy Lopez says
I am hoping for softer skin not itchy and dry.
latanya says
for shiner and healthier hair
Paula Gillespie says
Definitely would love softer skin and to filter out chemicals and chlorine would be great.
Jessica S says
I hope it will help with my sons dry skin and eczema.
lindsay says
silkier hair!
Jeanette Oglesby says
I love everything that this shower filter will do, but my favorite thing would be to help my asthma. Now that would be awesome. I would love for it to make my hair softer and shinier. I would really like it to make my skin look healthier.
Melissa Marino says
Our shower really dries out my skin and makes it itchy. I am hoping for softer, non-irritated skin.
Brandi Sweaton says
I hope to have healthier, softer skin.
Brandi Knox says
I would love to have soft skin not only for myself but for my 5 year old son! He has ezcema and maybe this would help his skin.
Robyn S. says
Oh, I would LOVE to have this. I get such dry skin from our hard water, this would be so much helps!
Martha says
Hair that feels as if it were washed with rain water.
Sandra Workman says
I would love to have this.
Dianna Dee says
I hope it helps with my daughter’s eczema!!!
regan syres says
Softer skin would be great!!!
Susan H. says
I would hope to have less chemicals on my skin after using the filter.
Cathy says
Hope it would make my skin itch less!!
sherry says
i would love not having chemicals and getting the “”red tint”” color gone from my hair using the filtered shower, and the softer, chemical free skin would be great also!
Deb says
I too am hoping it would make my skin itch less!
courtney gibson says
healthy hair
farah says
Will help to rinse off better.
Mary Shearer says
Cure for drier skin and that ashy look.
wanda says
I could so use this to help my dry skin thank you for the chance hope you have an awesome weekend
FAITH says
i hope to have shinier hair, healthier hair & skin. Thanks
Rhiana Wackenhuth says
Hoping that my hair would not be as dry, and that it would help my sons dandruff
Denise Helton says
I hope to have hair that feels like it does when I am lucky enough to be able to use city water, well water sucks!
sherry warlick says
It would be nice to have softer skin.
Sandra Smith says
My hair is highlighted to blend the gray in, the gray is coarse and can be unruly, maybe this filter system would help my hair to be softer, shinier, and less unruly!
Maureen Butcher says
Softer skin softer hair sounds like 2 good reasons to use this.
Crystal says
Looks nice, I hope I win this!!!
james young says
I needthis for better skin
Virginia L says
Our water is so hard! We would save on soap and shampoo as well as have softer skin and hair.
Vicky WVicky W says
Cleaner, shinier hair
Janice Darrow says
I would hope for my perm lasting longer.
Tracy Villalobos says
Softer Skin
Renee Gauthier Angichiodo says
I am hoping that it will help stop hair loss.
Brenda says
I have used this same water filter at a friend’s house and loved it. I would love to have my own!
Ali says
This filter would give me peace of mind knowing that the water in my children’s bathroom is filtered.
Krystal B says
I hope it will help with my adult acne. I would also like to be one step closer to reducing the number of chemicals that are entering my families bodies.
ShericeJ says
I hope to get better skin and hair with a filter, no more harsh and bad water.
ellen willett says
A clean body beautiful hair
Carrie D says
I hope to have softer hair and maybe even a cleaner shower.
karen ferguson says
that would help to really get your hair clean !
Stacey A. says
We have city water in our rental. I cannot have a water softener, the big kind, so this would perfect as my husband’s back itches alot during the colder months!!!!
Rene Hodges says
I would love to win this to help my husbands dry skin!
Maribel F says
I hope this would help my hairloss
Jessica Beal Harlow says
Softer skin and shinier hair would be a huge deal!
Maralea says
I hope this would help with making my hair softer!
Amy W. says
Filtered water would be better for my psoriasis
Vicki Wascher says
Softer healthier skin and hair!
Aimee McCloskey says
I would like to seed of it could help with my son’s skin. It gets real dry sometimes.
michelle ericson says
would love to win for better looking skin
Debbie Lewis says
I would like softer skin and softer hair
Melissa S says
We have very hard water and a shower filter would help our skin and hair.
Carol Yemola says
I am hoping to have less residue on my skin and in my hair.
Tamar says
The idea of having cleaner showers!
Elena says
I want to have softer hair
marian boll says
So many things that would be great, softer hair, less dryness on my skin….oh yes, this would be great!!
jennifer wexler says
i have sulfur water so i would hope that this would make my water smell better
nickie says
Maybe help improve my skin.
carolyn says
I also have filtered water from frig- so much better tasting then from sink, Shower water filtered water should be amazing-clean-soft better than rain water. Would love to win! Read your blog every day!
Crissy D. says
I would love to have softer skin, mine is always so dry,this would help
Amy Brown says
I would love for my daughter’s to have softer skin. We have an issue with dry skin and that would help.
Mary Casper says
i hope to feel cleaner and not like i am still covered in grime
Lindsey parks says
Would love to have cleaner water to shower with for my family. Our water we drink is filtered so why shouldn’t it all be??
Wendi says
I hope that this helps my dry skin/scalp and not so itchy
Jorge Alexander Granda says
Nice prize.
krystal wethington says
I have been having problems with black stuff coming from our water so if I win i would hope this would help filter that.
Katie Roch says
I hope to gain healthier hair and have longer lasting color. Even with using hair products designed for color treated hair it still seems like my highlights fade fairly quickly.
Emily Lyon says
Ooh, yeah that would be nice Krystal!
Enizete Lane says
Wow!!! Must be wonderful to have a really clean feeling after shower……must be good for a healthier skin and hair……
Darlene Carbajal says
I hope to get shinier hair 🙂
Terri says
I have super sensitive skin, so showering with filtered water would be better for my skin.
Valerie Strawmier says
Softer skin sounds amazing-I would love that!
Lynne Berube says
Would love to try this for my skin and hair health.
Michele P says
better skin and hair would be the benefits I would look for the most with this filter.
Brynn says
Healthy and more radiant skin and hair!
dianne says
When I’m under the shower or in a bath too long I get terribly itchy palms and soles. I’ve been toying with the idea that I’m sensitive to chlorine, if you’ve ever had any on your skin,it feels like that. I also have terrible allergies, and really life is just so full of chemicals..
Monique Rizzo says
Healthier hair!
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
Amy Lee says
I have very curly, dry hair. The hard water we have here doesn’t help it!
Maggie Fout says
I am sensitive to chlorine so this would be perfect for me!
Rita O'Neal says
This would be amazing! I have always wanted to try one of these out. I would hope that it would leave my skin and hair feeling healthier.
Heather says
I hope to win this because our water is so bad it gives me serious stomach pain. I can only imagine what it’s doing to my skin!
Gina h. says
I’d love shinier hair.
Annmarie W. says
I think my hubby and I would both love this! I’d love to have softer, smoother skin with no blemishes…and I think would help!
Susan Christy says
Softer Skin and shinier hair would be great!
kelly bright says
I would love to have softer hair and skin!!
Desiree H says
I would hope to have healthier skin and hair. 🙂 Thank you for the opportunity!!
Mia Dentice Carey says
Our water is SO HARD! It would be nice to at least be able to take a shower without all that lime on my body-not to mention easier to CLEAN the shower/tub!
Leslie G. says
I would love for this filter to filter out the flouride in our water, since it tends to exacerbate my thyroid issues.
Patty White says
Softer Hair and Skin
Tina W says
I would love to not have super dry skin anymore!
Mindy DeLisi says
Healthier Hair!
Christine A. says
Softer skin and silky-er hair, yes pleas.
Mandy Weirick says
I’m hoping for healthier skin!
Jackie says
I love Aquasana- I have their water filter on my sink and I adore it. I would love to have healthier skin from this shower filter.
Leslie Russell says
Definitely softer skin and hair. Would love to try this product!
Jennifer H. says
I hope for a healthier shower for my family. We have Aquasana on our kitchen sink and love it.
Theresa J says
Hoping this helps with my daughters eczema
Tania J says
I’d really like to get some of the added chemicals out of our water…municipal water is horrible here.
brooke says
I’m hoping this would help my kids eczema
Aimee C says
I hope to not have the soap bumps on my kids anymore and a cleaner shower with no hard water stains
Christine says
Softer skin & Hair!
Karrie Hockenberry says
We have the WORST well water in history! It’s disgusting! This water filter system would SOOO help!!!
Pietra C says
I’m hoping to have softer skin for my daughter who has terrible eczema.
Misty says
This looks like a great way to beat hard water! Great giveaway Emily!
autumn kelly says
I have well water and I think a filter will give me a cleaner clean.
Shelley Drady Enright says
When water is filtered it is healthier for your skin AND you don’t need to use as much product (soap, shampoo, etc).
sylvia says
Healthier hair and skin for my family!
Kiki Bacaro says
softer and cleaner water
Candice J. says
I would like to help reduce the toxic burden of my family! We use Ava Anderson Non-Toxic products (www.AvaAndersonNonToxic.com/CandiceJones), eat organic/non-GMO, and stay physically active. We are always looking for more tools to help our family stay healthy.
Deb E says
Less chlorine in my hair!
Dana L says
I hope that it helps my hair color treatment last longer
Jill Myrick says
I have extremely sensitive skin so much so that water along can break it out in itchy red bumps.
I have been told by my dermatologist that a shower filter could possibly help this problem.
So I am hoping to be able to shower without the red bumps or the itch.
Lisa Thompson says
We have the nastiest water ever and my twins and my husband have eczema. I’m hoping that a shower filter would help them all with their skin issues!
Rebecca Parsons says
Healthier skin and less buildup in our shower.
Rebecca Peters says
I hope to have healthier hair and softer skin!
Mihaela D. says
I hope to have softer skin and hair 🙂
Shannon F says
Healthier hair! My hair is frizzy and needs some help! lol
Deb C says
We have “hard water” here, full of mineral deposits. I would hope that an Aquasana would provide nicer water for showering.
Crissie says
Erica C. says
Just cleaner water and better hair.
Jacob LaFountaine says
The thought that I’m being bathed in cleaner water
Deb S says
I’m hoping this would help take out all the chemicals in my hair and make it look healthier.
Miranda Ward says
I would love to have softer skin!!!
[email protected]
nora swafford says
Healthier skin and hair!
Lisa says
I would like to have softer skin with no dry patches
Jennifer Nixon says
I’m hoping that we’d all have softer skin. Smoother, shinier hair with little to no build up.
Brittney House says
I hope it will make my skin and hair softer because my water is so hard.
Nicole Millheim says
I think this would give me softer skin. our water is so harsh on us
Richard Hicks says
Hope that it would be healthier for my skin which is very fair.
brich22 at earthlink dot net
Betty C says
I hope to have healthier skin and hair.
Nicole Lancaster says
I hope to gain with a shower filter cleaner hair and better skin .
Amanda says
I’d love to enjoy softer skin!
Peggy Humbracht says
Having many minerals in our water, this filter would help give me better skin tone and healthy hair and skin.
Francine Anchondo says
Softer skin
susan smoaks says
i want to get softer skin and hair
Joy W says
Skin that’s not dry from all the chlorine that’s in our water. My shower smells like a swimming pool
Donna Pyszk says
I am hoping to get softer skin
sharon says
My daughter and I have been trying the no poo method for our hair and this would be a perfect addition
Kristen Weigel says
Healthier skin for me and my family
Brian E. says
Thanks for the giveaway…less skin irritation !
Charlene Kuser says
I hope to have softer skin and hair,since we have hard water in our area
Brenda Lightfoot says
Thank you for the chance to win this product…it would be such a blessing to our family! 🙂