I got some help with dishes duty this Thanksgiving with the Clean Ones Pure Comfort Gloves, which I received for review. And, you can enter a giveaway to win your own pair, plus a $20.00 Walmart Gift Card. Read on to find out how!
Thanksgiving is done, the meal has been served, the pie has been eaten, your guests have gone home and all that is left is a big pile of dishes! Maybe I am kind of crazy, but most of the time I actually don’t mind doing dishes. For me, there is a lot of satisfaction that comes from doing them. It is kind of nice to look at a big pile of plates and know that each one of them went with someone who I love and care about who was sitting at my table happy and well nourished. When the dishes are done, there is a huge amount of satisfaction to look around my now sparkly clean kitchen, and feel grateful that I have a place to prepare meals, bake with my kids and bring my family together. On Sundays we always have a family dinner together at my parent’s house. On those days I also, always pick dishes duty as a way to show gratitude to my parents for preparing the meal and for always being willing to provide a time each week for the kids and grandkids to be together. With so much to be grateful for, dishes just aren’t so bad!
The only thing that is really a problem for me when it comes to dishes duty, is my hands. Especially this time of year, my hands get very dry and cracked. I am constantly putting on lotions and trying out new products, but it is mostly a problem that I have just come to deal with. Taking my hands in and out of water, to do dishes can be really painful at times.
I gave the Clean Ones Pure Comfort Gloves a whirl, and they have made a world of difference for me. That makes one more thing to be grateful for at dish-clean up time! Unlike regular cleaning gloves that feel cold and rubbery inside (which kind of gives me the chills) these are lined with a very soft fabric, making them a treat to wear! This lining is actually water absorbent, so your hands don’t get that clammy feeling after using them for a while. Another feature that I liked is that the gloves come in 3 different sizes and are contoured at the wrist. This leaves you feeling like you are wearing a nice pair of ladies’ gloves, rather then clunky cleaning gloves. One last feature that I love is that the bottom of the glove can flip up so that it catches any water that may happen to run down your arm, keeping your sleeves and the inside of the gloves dry. These gloves are latex, BPA and Phthalate Free, so they are safe to use in whatever household jobs you may need them! With these gloves, I don’t have to damage my hands while going through my reflective routine of dishes duty!
To make dishes duty a more enjoyable experience for you this holiday season enter this giveaway in which 3 winners will be picked to win the following Holiday Cleaning Prize Pack!
- 1 pair of Clean Ones Pure Comfort Latex Free Gloves
- 1 package of 50 Clean Ones Disposable Essentials Latex-Free vinyl gloves
- 20 Walmart Giftcard!
The giveaway will end at 11:59pm PT on 12/10. To enter, fill out the form below:
Leanne Cox is a guest writer for CleverHousewife.com. She is a stay-at-home mom to two kids, and a credentialed preschool teacher. Leanne teaches “mommy-and-me” and “preschool style” music & movement classes through her business “Little Stars Music & Movement Classes” . She is passionate about encouraging early childhood education through hands on learning and exploration
Marti Tabora says
I almost always do the dishes after a big meal. Actually, I do the dishes after any meal. Thank you.
Jennifer Rdgz says
It’s either my daughter or myself
lisa cuyuch says
Big or small, I always do the dishes and with 8 usually eating, it is a big chore:)
Cynthia says
Carol Kendhammer says
Awesome website
Tabitha Vanderford Fine says
I almost always do the dishes
Teri E says
Nancy Fender says
KV says
We all pitch in.
Karen Harp says
It’s always me! But the husband does the cooking!
KILEY R says
with two kids i’m always cleaning 🙂
Suellen Jennings says
Everyone takes their dish and puts it in the dishwasher, but the stuff that gets done by hand is usually done by hubby.
jennifer wilson says
Heather Dunn says
I almost always do the dishes, if I am super lucky hubby might! Lol
cindy says
I’m always doing dishes.
Alana Vester says
I always do the dishes.
Christina Domingue says
We take turns at our house
Candy McCormick says
Trisha Vandeventer says
always.. me!!
Billy Jo Manzanares says
Pamela McGlinchey says
Tina T says
Myself – or sometimes my hubby 🙂
penny wal says
Stephanie Maxwell says
I do 🙂 Hubby does help some
Lucy says
me of course lol
Luana Alle says
I usually do the dishes. But hubby helps too 🙂
Linda Bell says
These look great!
Debbie Moon says
I always do the dishes
Jodi Stanton says
If the meal is in my home, it’s me. If the meal is at my mother’s, we all pitch in. My hands are extremely sensitive to dish soap, so I avoid washing dishes without gloves at all costs.
Sherri Holland says
Thanks For Giveaway!!#
Lisa Strieter says
This would sure help with cleaning over the Holidays
Amy says
I have dry hands so I always use gloves when doing my bigger dishes,I would love to win this! Thanks!
Gina Taylor says
I do. :/
Becky says
My husband and I both do. I’m very blessed with a helpful hubby!
Sarah Yurga says
I do the dishes. My husband washed dishes at a restaurant as a teenager so he says “No more!” lol
Colleen Fuller says
I always do the dishes and cook. I was just thinking that I need gloves. These sound wonderful!
David says
My wife usually does the dishes, but that is primarily because I don’t get home from work until a few hours after they have all had supper. I just eat the leftovers and clean my plastic storage container.
Emily Guimares-Gauthier says
haha I always do the dishes! Husband and kids would not even dare to offer to do them!
Emily Roth says
I always do the dishes and I have sensitive skin in the winter. I would love these gloves!
Paula Jackson says
kiddos do the dishes….
latasha says
im the one who does dishes , no dishwasher . my hands are cracked and dry . I have my hands in water all day . I sleep with lotion and socks at night to try and repair .
Karina Haines says
I usually do the dishes.
Laci C. says
Always me… 🙁
Luana Alle says
I do the dishes. But hubby. Helps too
Julie Novak says
I have the same problem–hands cannot take the water and they are always dry and cracked. These gloves seem too good to be true! If I don’t WIN them, will try to buy a pair and give them a shot! Thanks!! : )
Melia says
I could use more cleaning goodies!
Jennifer Marie says
I usually do the dishes at our house, but sometimes after a big meal my hubby will wash the big pots by hand.
rebecca sessa says
i always wash the dishes
randi slavey says
After all the cooking these past two days n washing n rewashing my hands r dry this would of helped a lot.
Aisha J. says
My wonderful hubby is the dish master 😉
Suzanne says
I’m the only one I TRUST to wash the dishes!! I know they will get done correctly!!
Jenny Giltner says
I normally do.
Aria H. says
I’m the only one who seems to know how to load a dishwasher correctly, but my husband does all the dirty pots and pans washing. Love him!
Martha Balderson says
My hubby always does the dishes.
latasha says
im the one doing dishes, no dishwasher. my hands are so cracked and dry .I wear lotion with socks at night to help
Latisha M. says
Sadly it’s usually always me who does the dishes after a big meal! Lol.
Stacey F says
I have 4 boys and they take turns doing the dishes with me. But I would love to give these to a friend of mine who has ecsema real bad and has to wear gloves all the time when she does anything with dishes and she has 5 boys! I know she would love these!
Karin A says
I do the dishes—
Georgina says
I need this!
TaraK says
My husband and I usually do them together. 🙂
April Houston says
I always have to do the dishes at my house…..not that I wouldn’t be happy to let someone else. 🙂
Lori H says
I usually do the dishes.
Ermila says
I am fortunate that after a big meal my husband usually does the dishes. He is definitely the best!
diane sabatini says
It’s me and it’s always,lol.
Cheryl DeMattico says
Iam always cleaning 4 kids, 2 dogs, and 2birds
Andrea says
i do the dishes
Amanda Spencer says
I usually do the dishes or if I’m feeling lazy my dishwasher does them.
Lisa Chenier says
I always help my mothet in the kitchen along with my step-sister. My other sister helps sometimes, but my sister in law NEVER does! I agree, it’s a show of appreciation for all my parents do for us!
Nate' VanFleet says
Valerie says
Those look like great gloves.
Heather says
I’d like to win!
Karla says
It’s always ME!
Valerie says
Those look like great gloves to wear while I do the dishes & load the dishwasher.
Mary Somerville says
My husband usually does the dishes, after I have done the cooking for our big meals,
Karen says
This would come in handy for bottle drives
Pattie Reiter says
I, of course, am the chief bottle washer in THIS house. Once in a great while one of my three sons will help me! 🙂
lucretia randle says
with new medical issues these would come in very “handy”
Jane Thomas says
I am the dishwasher 24/7, I dont think my husband knows how to wash dishes! lol I never seen him do them! I dont trust the kids to wash them they tried before and did a crappy job.
Amanda Fritz Siglin says
Usually I do the dishes but this Thanksgiving my hubby did all of them. I was very greatful! (:
Wendy Hark says
I do.
Ramona George says
I want to try some!!
Lisa McAnnally says
I’m the lucky winner of cleaning dishes in this house.
Dawn Walsh says
It would be me doing the dishes
Lee Ann Kaplan says
I usually do the dishes after every meal, big or small. They are me least favorite task. Maybe these nice gloves with soft lining will change that? 🙂
Lisa Weidknecht says
Me. Always me.
Miranda says
Would love to win!
Crystal Pacarro says
Usually myself.
Cheryl Bartram says
I do the dishes
Dawn Sterner says
I’m the one stuck doing the dishes!
Gloria Blankenship says
The gloves look very feminine .
Nicoleta Still says
I do the cooking. Hubby will sometimes do dishes, because I hate dishes.
gale thompson says
Me, Myself and I
mandy perillo says
Love wearing gloves when cleaning bathrooms, and doing dishes! I also love disposable gloves, I use them when cooking, and love them for making cakeballs.
Stephanie Nichole says
That would be me. I’m a single mama, so I make the kids clear the table and I do the dishes.
Megan Borah-Pribble says
When I do the cooking, hubby does the dishes 🙂
Jenny mueller says
Especially this time of year my hands are a mess just from the dry forced air heat and hand washing to keep away germs. My hands would so appricciate this!
Kimberly Albert says
I do them! 🙂
cyndi yates says
I Do!!
Barbara T Dunaway says
Angela Cole says
I would love to try the Comfort Gloves!
Patsy says
I do the cooking and m
take turns doing dishes with my kids.
Rita Risner says
These would be great for after holiday clean ups. I usually do all the clean up.
Crystal Jaycox says
Usually me, my husband HATES dishes.
Vicky D says
I get to do the dishes.
carolyne m says
I do the dishes for now until the kids get old enough which is a long way to go.
jessica babb says
i always do the dishes
Rebekka S says
My daughter, husband and I take turns doing the dishes 🙂
Cathy King says
I’m chief cook and bottle washer!!
Donna Pittman says
It’s me or my husband!
Laurel Nguyen says
I am the one who usually does the dishes.
Brian Casson says
I do all the dishes all the time 🙁
Gina H. says
Me (but really the dishwasher does all the work!).
Anita Sharp says
I am the main dish-doer in my household!
cindy says
I seem to be the lucky one that always gets the dishes..sometimes hubby helps
Veronica Hernandez says
I sure can use this and I really truly appreciate your site I’m a new one at couponing and I learn do much tia
Rebbekka Howard says
I seem to be the one who ALWAYS does the dishes. I HATE it, hubs don’t like it so I’m the one who is stuck doing them lol.
Crissy D. says
I always do the dishes no matter what
Maria J says
Would love this!
Dawn Benner says
I always do the dishes.
Heather Heuring says
I’m the lucky one that has cleanup duty after all meals served in the Heuring household! Really need those gloves!
darlene lahm says
My hands are always dry. Would like to win gloves.
jennifer horn says
I always do the dishes.
Karen Downing says
I am always the one left to do the dishes. Everyone seems to go take a nap after the dinner and leave me with the dishes. Would love to try these products.
Maralea says
Me and my wonderful daughters
Kathleen Vance says
I always do the dishes too. Fun times!
wendy rozema says
I always do!
Gina Rampy says
I always do the dishes and I don’t mind it but these would make it so much easier!! I would just love to win! Thank you for the opportunity.
Regina says
Unfortunately that would be me…However, I have found joy in paper plates and aluminum foil baking dishes 🙂
claudia ellis says
most likely me… everything that can’t fit in the dishwasher
Heather says
All the ladies pitch in:)
jennifer wexler says
i usually do the cleaning
Paula Lee says
I always do the dishes :/
Kimberly J says
That would be ME!
Zenaida Odom says
I usually does the dishes after a big meal.
Betty says
I usually do the handwashing. The kids load the dishwasher with the bulk of the dishes and then we take a breather while some soaking goes on.
abedabun dawn says
Who washes dishes? I do. It seems my husband has a dishwasher but I do not LOL! Perhaps one day I will get one.
Kim Harig says
We do the dishes together to get them done quickly.
glo says
Kam Watson says
I do all the dishes plus find using gloves when doing dusting and polishing makes the job go faster
Joanne Jones says
I am the chief dishwasher at my house and I have the hands to prove it!
Barbara Powell says
My hubby does all the dishes. No matter what day it is or how big of a mess there is. I love him so much.
Connie Lee says
It’s me that does the cleanup.
Sus says
laura shepherd says
I hate to clean dishes! But I love to win! This might make cleaning a little more exciting.
Diane Cooper says
It is always me that does the dishes, no matter what! I am one of those weird people that like to do dishes – I do some of my best thinking while cleaning the kitchen.
Audra O'Hara says
My hubby and I usually take turns doing dishes; especially after a big meal when there’s a lot to do.
Alison C says
Three of my children take turns doing the dishes a week at a time. I usually do some dishes every day. My husband rarely does any dishes. I would love to win the blog candy from you.
Helen says
Cheryl F. says
I usually do the dishes.
John says
I do.
Tina Demarco says
me me me and ME…. lazy bunch i tell ya lol
debbie says
I do.
Phoenixx says
I do the dishes!
julie murphy says
I always do. boo!
Christina Anne says
I usually do (or my husband sometimes)
annejk112233 at yahoo dot com
Renee says
If I’ve done most of the cooking, hubby does the dishes.
traci says
I do all cooking all clean up. Even when trere are gusts.
Murry says
Jaclyn Reynolds says
I do the dishes!
lauren knott says
I always do the dishes. If my husband did them it would be the best Christmas present ever.
Lanicsha Wynn says
Me, and my daughter helps sometimes
marian boll says
I do them most of the time, because my hubby loves to be the chef in charge which I love cause I visit with the family or just watch him.
Tina W says
My boyfriend is actually great about doing the dishes after I cook!
Cynthia C says
I am the clean up crew.
Kathleen says
kport207 at gmail dot com
ashley guise says
I am the one always doing the dishes at my home…unless my husband gets tired of me “dropping hints” haha
Leslie Russell says
I usually do all of the dishes in the house
Sarah Harding says
I do all the dishes and my daughter puts them away.
Debbie Welchert says
I usually do the dishes after a big meal and sometimes my husband will.
Sarah Hall says
I do the dishes since we don’t have a dish washer and my husband is not a dish washer.
Mippy/Sabrina says
My step dad does them. 🙂
Naomi Winkel says
I always cook and do the dishes after
Cindy says
lisa kay says
I do!
I prefer that..=)
Debbie Lawrence says
I sometimes think I am the only one that knows how to do dishes
Christine says
My husband usually does the dishes after a big meal!
Suzanne Gay says
latanya says
I do
Mandala says
My roommate does all the cleaning and washing of dishes but I sometimes help out 🙂
Barbara Montag says
That’s usually me – thank you.
Jessamine D. says
I always do the dishes. 🙂
Birdiebee says
All of the adults at the dinner share in doing the dishes.
Karen Glatt says
It is me that seems to have to do the dishes, but my sister does help me a lot with them!
Amy Y says
My mom and I usually take turns.
Stephen says
I do it after a big meal!
Devon McClafferty says
My daughter mostly has to do the dishes
Sarah Butler says
Since my husband does the cooking, I get to do the cleaning. Fair trade. 🙂
Darcy says
We make it a family effort to get them done after a big meal(everyday and every meal with a house of 7-lol) that way we can sit and relax and know we have clean dishes for breakfast in the morning.
Jennifer McClenny says
I always do the dishes.
Sherry Conrad says
My husband is the dishwasher here.
Gwen B. says
I do; I’m the only one who lives here aside from the cats.
Hope says
I do!
Lesley F says
The Dishwasher does the dishes but the whole family rinses 🙂
Kyl Neusch says
i clean up
Always me
Michele Eldred says
I would love to win
Kellie Comer says
I always do the dishes in my house since I’m OCD.
Danielle Cordeau says
Me and my oldest child. 🙂
mechele johnson says
3 of 5 of our children are teens, so they take turns! Works out beautifully…:)
Donna Kellogg says
If it is a big meal we work together everyone has a job. but the kids take turns on most nights
Jess Hackett says
Sometimes I do, sometimes my boyfriend does because he does most of the cooking!!
Mary LaBelle says
I do.
Ruby Yoshi says
I always do
Betty Canterbury says
Just me
Tammy C says
I am the one who ALWAYS does the dishes after any meal. 🙁
Alicia says
Dishes in MY middle name!
Danielle says
I will do the dishes after serving for a large gathering, otherwise my daughter does them.
Daniel M says
the women cook, the guys clean up
Melissa Nagy says
My husband does the dishes after our meals. I figure if I cook, he can clean it up.
Deb C says
Me, but at least I have a dishwasher. I still prefer to wear gloves to clean the kitchen and other jobs.
Simonne says
Me but at least the dishwasher gets most of them. But these would be great to clean the cast iron pots without getting the gunk all over you.
Susan Smith says
I do the dishes after dinner.
Darlene Carbajal says
Me, I do them all the time.
melissa Resnick says
Laurie Emerson says
I am the one who always ends up doing the dishes.
Tracy Allen says
Me – just me. I’m the only one doing dishes here
Samantha Daleo says
I always do the dishes, however its usually fair because on weekends my husband usually cooks the big meals.
Chris K. says
I try to get my husband to do the dishes after a big meal, since it only seems fair. But inevitably he’ll leave the dishes, and I’ll end up doing them!
Tom Lester says
I usually do the dishes after a big meal, like a boss.
Brittney House says
My kids actually do the dishes after a big meal.
Joan Brewster says
My husband and I both do dishe. We both retired this year…he does the dishes more then me but I do most of the cooking and baking.
theodore esteghamat says
I do the dishes.
Lauren E. says
I do all the dishes for myself, daughter & husband. Our niece & mother are responsible for their own dishes
Teresa Thompson says
My husband and I do it together.
jules m. says
my daughter and i take turns
Vikki Billings says
My fiance and I do them together every time!
Mary Cloud says
I usually have to do them
annabella @ centurytel dot net
Jacob LaFountaine says
I’ll do the dishes by hand
Dorothy Deakyne says
I do, my husband thinks it’s women’s work to do clean up
laurie says
i always do the dishes all the time
Lisa Hollinger Barto says
Me sometimes they wait til morning though
Brian E. says
Thanks for the giveaway…my wife usually washes the dishes, but I scrub the pots & pans !
Jessica Kaufman says
My husband does if I do the cooking
Vicky Philips says
I’m the lucky dishes cleaner at home. I like the fact these gloves are latex free.