Oh how I love to take a break from the rigmarole of my daily chores and tasks and head to McDonald’s for a large Diet Pepsi and one of a few of my favorite menu items. When I do go, it’s often just me and my girl while the boys are in school. Ever since the Happy Meals got some healthier choices including a small amount of fries and a bag of apples, I let Bea get a Happy Meal of her choice and we sit in the play area for a little girl time. I actually really like my McDonald’s play area. It’s quite clean, it’s indoors, and I love the cute car, bridge, animals, and especially the tree slide/tunnel! We also love to meet up with my girlfriends and their kids for some added fun. McDonald’s is not only serving up tasty and convenient foods this month, but they are dedicating an entire month to reading, and the importance of reading in children’s lives.Just another reason to love , because for all of November, McDonald’s will be making reading ‘happier’ by including a book in every Happy Meal sold. Combine the books that come in the Happy Meals with the seasonal pumpkin pies and I could be set to eat at McDonald’s throughout all of November! I believe reading is so incredibly important to instill in children at a young age. If they won’t do it now, how likely is it that they will do it later in life? I’m sure some do, but growing a love for reading early on will improve their chances. So much knowledge can come from books, and I think they can help give kids imagination and power! I was afraid my oldest would never enjoy reading, but I didn’t give up and continued to press the issue. I vowed to hunt high and low to find a book or series that he would actually read, and I did! He has now read 7 out of 7 books in an entire series, and I am so proud!
As a mother I LOVE reading time. I wish I could say that I spent more time reading to my children, but as they’ve gotten older and the busier I have gotten, I don’t do it as much as I used to. My husband and I take turns reading to the kids now, and since 3 out of 4 of them know how to read, I definitely make sure they are at least spending time reading. I get a lot of pleasure out of enjoying a quiet house and looking across the family room to see everyone curled up with a book. Even my youngest gets excited when I tell her it’s time for everyone to read. She looks at the pictures and makes up her own stories. It’s super cute!
For family night tonight, I took the entire family to McDonald’s so we could check out the new Happy Meal books! My restaurant only had one of four of the books in tonight, but it is actually really cute! We received “The Goat Who Ate Everything”. Each of my kids have read it through already, and they just loved the pictures of the goat eating a man’s pants! Right up their alley! I believe books can also help one develop humor and wit, which I find to be fantastic! I can’t wait to collect the rest of the McDonald’s books, and neither can my kids. Be sure to check them out during the month of November and to always remember to keep your kids reading!
I’m Lovin’ It ®
“Disclosure: Compensation was provided by McDonald’s via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of McDonald’s.”
April P says
We rarely if ever eat at McDonald’s but we have hit the drive through many a time for those dollar drinks lol.
Kevin Hauge says
I think this idea will not last very long, kids like toys to play with, books are a dime a dozen & tablets rule the world.
Marygail says
I had no clue this month is McDonald’s is putting books in every happy meal. I’ll be sure to look for that next time I’m out with my little one and I want to treat her. All my kids – ranging from 11- 3 still enjoy reading time with mom.
Kelly Shearer says
While I do think its good, I can’t help but think of this as another ploy to keep business in the gluten, dairy and nut free environment-people are eating at healthier places. But as a life long McDs patron, I applaud their efforts in trying to make positive changes.
Marygail says
I had no idea McDonald’s has books in their Happy Meals this month. I will have to look for that next time I want to give my little one a treat!
My four kids (age ranges from 11-3) still like reading with me. We have to do it more often.
Anita Sharp says
I love the idea of a book in a Happy Meal instead of a toy! WTG McDonalds!
Noelle says
I think its good that McDonalds is encouraging kids to read, and adding it to the Happy Meal is presenting it as a good, fun thing- a treat.
MaryB says
I like the idea of including a book with the happy meal. When my son was younger he would have LOVED getting a book as much as or even more than a toy. Encouraging reading is always a good thing.
Jordan says
This is another great step in the right direction for McDonalds.
Karen gonzalez says
Good job mcdonalds! It’s fun to read too. I think is a great idea, alternate with toys.
Cheryl DeMattico says
Thats a great idea to change it up every now and then.
Emilie C says
this is a good idea, but I’m trying to wean myself off of mcdonald’s just because it is so bad for you.
Jennifer Taylor says
I like the idea of the books. Chic-fil-A has done this & my kids loved reading them.
Missy Kayser says
We got the book ” the goat who ate everything” last Friday night. My daughter loved it!! Giggled through out it.
Jeana B says
We love reading. This is such a great idea McDonalds.
Bridget Heiple Reich says
I’m so excited to hear this! My son and daughter both love McDonalds cheeseburgers and we get them Happy Meals when we are on the go. I love to get myself a large Diet Dr. Pepper!! 🙂
Karen Glatt says
How wonderful that McDonald’s is being so generous as to put books in their Happy Meals. This is such a good thing to do, and it shows that they care about children and learning how to read. I want to take my niece there and have lunch and get her one.
Mary B says
I think it’s great that their putting books in the happy meals! Reading is such an important part of growing up and if it helps more parents to take 5 minutes and spend it reading to their kids then it’s a good thing. 🙂
Julie B says
Good idea. We have too many of those little toys around.
Nancy Munson says
Great idea. Maybe this will get kids back into reading again.
Julie B says
Nice idea. We have too many of those little toys around.
Kim Henrichs says
I LOVE that they’re including books! You cannot have too many books and these are adorable.
Rachel V says
My kids love books. My kids love Mc’Ds. But, I rarely buy happy meals. It’s a great idea though.
Lisa Hollinger Barto says
We rarely eat mc donalds but i love that they are giving out books with happy meals.
Sarah says
My nephew would rather have the toy.
Tiffany Schmidt says
I’m so happy that they started this campaign. I’m so sick of the little toys and I think the kids are too!
Kassi says
This awesome! Good job mcds!
Amber Rist says
I absolutely love that they are doing this. I think I’m going just so I can get that book for my lil girl; she’s a horrible eater.
Ellen Thompson says
It is good that McDonald’s is promoting reading but it still will not get me to eat there. I don’t take my kids there anymore either.
Kaye says
Sounds great! Y’know, studies are out proving that if kids aren’t avid readers by age 15 (or still avid readers at age 15), then they likely never will be. Thankfully, all 4 of my kids love to read! One took a little more work than the others, but once I found a series of books she liked (around 5th grade), I finally got her hooked! Reading is SO valuable!!
Stasha says
I’ve been seeing the new commercials for the books and their really good…I think it’s a great idea to encourage kids to read.
Rhonda G says
What a great idea! Reading is so important for kids. I love the fact that they can get the whole series. My granddaughter would love this almost as much as the toys I think.
Mary Fagans says
I think that is awesome that McDonalds is encouraging kids to read. I don’t think it is encouraged enough, these days it’s all about computers tv and video games!! I’m also glad to see that McDonalds is putting some healthy food on the menu.
Maggie C says
I LOVE that McDonald’s is giving books in their Happy Meals! What a great way to make learning fun and cool – if it comes in a Happy Meal, it’s pretty cool!
Jennifer Appleton says
I love that McDonald’s is including books in the happy meals! What a great idea! I remember doing Pizza Hut’s book-it program as a kid. It’s great that other companies are promoting reading now too
Belinda says
McDonald’s has the best fries! Unfortunately the one by us, took out their play area. I would meet friends there for play dates. Now we don;t go as often but it;s fun for a treat. I love that they’re promoting reading!
Kelli says
We rarely eat at McDonalds. But I do grab ice cream cones with my little girl often as a treat! I think it is awesome that they are giving away book to promote reading instead of just toys!
Stephanie Colvin says
I just took my daughter to McDonald’s this past week and we were BOTH happy about the little book that she got. I wish that they would carry this promotion beyond November!
Elizabeth Dodson says
I really like the change in the Happy Meals at MacDonalds. I do love the reading part for kids. It’s showing the kids what they should eat, and gets their minds to thinking about reading. It’s great!
Rachel says
I love the idea! I hate the plastic junky toys that are normally in the happy meals, they end up collecting in the house, and are never played with but have strict orders from the 5 year old not too throw them away! They have always drives me nuts. My son loved the book “the goat who ate everything” and was actually excited about getting a book. I thought that mcdonals could give a little better story choice, and not so nutritious based story..I thought that was a little over done, but thats okay..goodbye stupid junk toys! : )
Dawn Monroe says
This is just my opinion but when I take my grandkids to eat ots suppose to be a treat andfun. They expect a toy when they get a kids meal and I agree.