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Trending for the past year and a half, dog shaming is when owners catch their pets in the act of doing something naughty. They then create a sign for which the guilty dog might be thinking and post it online for the world to see. If only dogs could talk! Oh how much I love my pup and her very full personality. When dog shaming started to become popular, my kids decided to experiment a little. Just the phrase of “Did you do it?”, said in the right tone to our dog causes her to exhibit that hilarious guilty look dogs get after doing something they know would not make their owner happy.
>My dog, Lucy, loves to have play dates with her sister at my mom’s house. If we even ask her if she wants to see Chloe, she runs to the garage door in hopes of going for a short drive to Chloe’s (her sister) house. She can be quite persistent at times. They play so hard and they really are funny to watch. If the two girls get left in the house for any length of time, while we run errands, there are a few acts that we sometimes catch them in. Laying on top of the couch that is forbidden is probably at the top of the list. Lesser common, and more naughty, is when our two little Dorkies get into the pine cones in my mom’s living room. The pine cones sit in a bowl on a shelf below the coffee table, and they are just too irresistible to two precocious pups. On a few occasions, my mom has come home to find the pine cones strewn across the living room carpet. Well this time they were caught in the act!
Luckily the pine cones clean up fairly easily, but what about those other “accidents” that dogs sometimes have on your beautiful carpet? Eww! When that happens, the look I get from Lucy is beyond guilty, because she knows “she done a bad thing”! Then I constantly worry that the urine has soaked through to the carpet pad, and forever remains. Not a happy thought! That’s where STAINMASTER PetProtect comes in! STAINMASTER wants to help #UnShameYourPet by taking such good care of the carpet beneath your pet’s feet, that even if they do have an accident, all will be forgiven.
With STAINMASTER PetProtect Carpet, you can count on three benefits that not all other carpets provide:
- Resists difficult pet stains and allows thorough cleaning
- Reduces pet odor when cleaned (hallelujah!)
- Easily releases pet hair
Okay, the carpet that still remains in my house is really not very nice. While stains appear to come up at first, they magically reappear within days. It is thin and has a pretty tight weave, and even though my dog sheds minimally, I am always shocked to find short black hairs stuck to the carpet. Having a carpet that easily releases pet hair is my idea of nice, so I don’t have to worry about when and how that hair will eventually decide to stick to something. Our dogs can rejoice because with the STAINMASTER name, they can count on ease of cleaning and durability. Plus, with the PetProtect carpet you even get built-in stain and fade resistance.
If I am assured that pet urine (or that of children), will pull right up, and the odor will be gone, perhaps we really can get rid of the dog shaming! When I am ready to replace my current carpet, I’m doing going to look into STAINMASTER PetProtect, because you just never know when those furry little critters will attack again! The kids’ bedrooms seem to be where I find the most accidents from kids and pup, so that’s where the new carpet will go first!
What about your house – what room do you think needs the most protecting from pet accidents?
Denise Wisley says
Oh my goodness! I certainly need to try this….I’ve got a 19 yr old cat that bless his heart, he tries so hard to do his business in the litter box, but some times, he just quite doesn’t make it. I don’t discipline his or scold him because he tries his best to make it, but has accidents….so I will be checking into this product for sure!! My kids are all grown, so my 4-legged furr-babies, despite the age, have become my “children”, and just like real-life children, they depend on us to take care of them 🙂
Emily Lyon says
Aw, poor kitty! Gotta love our fur-babies!