I was asked to participate in Evite’s #EviteBabyTrends series. Although I have been compensated, all views are my own.
What baby shower would be complete without baby shower games? I will admit that when I attend baby showers I like the games to be short and sweet. I prefer to spend my time schmoozing, eating and oohing and awing over the adorable baby gifts (more on gifting next week). So, as part 4 of my Baby Shower series I thought I’d give you some ideas and suggestions for easy baby shower games and activities to incorporate in the next shower you have to throw. I mean, who doesn’t love taking home prizes? Don’t forget to check out my diaper cake tutorial for more baby shower ideas!
1. Diaper Pin. When each guest arrives, give them a diaper pin to pin onto their shirt. Give them instruction that if they say the word “baby” (or any word of your choosing), and someone catches them, they have to relinquish their pin to whoever caught them. The goal is to collect the most pins by the end of the shower. Instead of eliminating certain words from the conversation you could make the rule be that they can’t cross their legs at all. It can be fun to see people squirm trying to come up with replacement words for “baby”.
Guessing games. For a couple of activities that won’t take much time and people can do at their leisure, I suggest having some guessing games. It’s all about the display. Make your guessing jars cute so they can serve as centerpieces and displays! Because our baby shower theme is to do with getting hatched, I thought it would be fitting to stick several furry little chicks in a mason jar. I purchased these at Michael’s and they were $1.99 for a pack of 12. You can pick up Mason Jars and glass candlesticks at the dollar store. Glue them together so you have a cute jar on a stand.
Because it happens to be spring, I was able to get a few bags of Whopper Eggs (perfect baby shower colors too) to stick in a large jar. Whoever guesses the closest to the correct number of eggs can win the jar of candy! I know my kids would be super happy if I brought a big jar of Whoppers home!
Advice. My next idea isn’t really a game, but an activity that can help mom-to-be out. Gather plastic Easter eggs and cut up small strips of paper. Pass them around and have each guest write a piece of “mothering” advice on the slip of paper, and place it inside one of the eggs. You can opt to have mommy-to-be read the advice out loud if you choose to.
Draw the baby. To get some laughs, give each guest a paper plate and a pen. Have everyone place the paper place on top of their head and draw a portrait of the soon-to-be baby on their plate. Set a timer for 60 seconds, then have everyone show their masterpieces to the group. The best drawing will win a prize.
There are many different prizes you can gift, but to go along with my theme I found these cute Peeps gift packs, which include Peeps and a cute stuffed Peep.
Of course, every shower and mommy needs diapers so don’t forget to snag this Huggies coupon! For more baby shower game ideas, visit Evite. Save the date! Join me for the #EviteBabyTrends Twitter party happening on Thursday Apri 10, 2014 at 6pm PST, for lots of baby shower ideas and prizes!
Rita O'Neal says
Okay… first, I thought that was a mason jar wine glass! Love it. Did I mention my obsession with peeps?! I wanted one of those plush peeps so bad after Easter last year. I went to grab a couple and they were all out. So adorable! #client