Learn how your child could earn money for college from my sponsors at match.com, by creating a video of their parent’s love story.
I just love a good old-fashioned love story! I love hearing about how my parents dated long-distance (very long distance… Across continents in fact). And about how they about went broke sending letters and making international phone calls to each other. Fast forward almost 35 years and they are still happily married with 3 kids and 5 grand kids! Things haven’t always been easy for them, but they have always found a way to make it work. To me, that is a true love story!
Today people are still creating their own long-distance love stories like my parents did… Except these days it is so much easier with a little help from the internet and match.com. Now two people who may have never actually met in person can get to know one another, fall in love, and start writing the first chapters of their own love story all through the internet!
If you have such a love story, why not let your kids tell it in their own unique way! This could be a fantastic way to save, record and share those precious stories for years to come! Plus it could be so much fun to hear their own “interpretations” of your story!
After you make a video, you can even submit it to Matchmade.com for a chance to help your child win a $50,000 college scholarship.
Here’s how it works:
This scholarship opportunity is available only to children ages 13-20 who had their parents or step-parents meet through match.com. These children can make a 1-2 minute video telling their parents’ love story and submit it to Matchmade.com by June 30, 2014. Make videos as heartfelt and sincere as possible as the public will get to vote on the group of 10 final contestants August 18-September 1st.
For all of the official rules, FAQs and contest entry visit Matchmade also watch this intro video to gain inspiration for your own video!
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