Sure, our kids can drive us crazy with their constant nagging, whining, tormenting and bickering. I have definitely heard my share of it during the first couple of weeks of summer. Would I trade that for anything else in the world? You better believe I wouldn’t! Of course each of my kids have a special place in my heart, but there is something about a first born child that creates the instinct to always protect. I think parents often become more and more lenient with each child, in part due to the fact that we know they don’t break as easily as we once thought. I feel particularly protective of my big boy, Kelman, because he has such a tender heart (although he tries to hide it), and he has lived through some challenging things.
Although Kelman can be particularly rough toward his twin brothers (sometimes I can’t blame him), he is an absolute sweetheart when it comes to his little sister. It melts my heart to catch him hugging, holding hands with, or reading to his sister. There is a 5 year age difference between the two of them and I just love the bond they share, and hope and pray it continues throughout their life. One thing I have realized in raising this special young man is that I need to cherish and love him to the fullest, but to make sure I am always telling him what is wonderful about him. Our young ones need all the confidence we can help them muster up, to be able to withstand the trials and tribulations the world has to offer throughout their life.
When I found out about what Stanford Children’s Health is doing regarding celebrating our extraordinary kids, I just knew I had to participate. Our kids get hit hard by so many outside forces in society, and their strength and love begin from the home. If we do things right, hopefully they will carry that strength and love with them throughout. I agree with Stanford Children’s Health when they say that what makes your kid extraordinary isn’t just the epic stuff. It’s the little things. The small moments that maybe only you see — and quietly celebrate every day. What extraordinary moments do you spot in your children, that just make your heart melt? Comment below and take a moment to brag about your children. Whether your visit is routine or rare, Stanford Children’s Health is committed to providing extraordinary care for healthier happy lives, and this is something I can get behind.
“Your kid is extraordinary. Show them how much you enjoy every moment together by creating a special video of your own!”
Creating a video to show your child how special they are to you is super simple. You can see the one I created for my boy, here. Go ahead and celebrate your extraordinary kids and follow along on Twitter with #YourExtraordinaryKid.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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