Fun new way to get my kids excited and organized for Christmas with these free “printable Christmas Wish Lists” and how Walmart is hosting some fun toy events that will spark their wishing excitement!
As I was putting up my Fall decorations a few days ago, it seriously hit me that Christmas is right around the corner. How did this happen? I really love Christmas, and all of the love and joy that it seems to bring. However…. This girl needs to get organized!
This year, I have big plans to get organized and get all of my shopping done early, so that when December gets here I can really enjoy the season with my family. This is my goal every year, but for the first time ever, I intend to actually do it! A big part of that means, getting my kids to narrow down their Christmas lists early though. While this may seem like an impossible task, I have a 3 part plan to make it happen!
Step 1: Scout it Out- Every year around Christmas time I like to take the kids out on a window shopping trip, just to scout out all of the latest toys and to see what really captures their interest. This year, we plan to go to Walmart during one of their big toy events on Saturday October 4th or Saturday October 11th. This is a great time to go and preview all of the toys and get my kids wishing!
Step 2: Photo Document It- When we go to the Walmart Toy Event, I will bring my phone with me, so that the kids can snap a few photos of things that they might want to put on their wish lists. By having them take photos, they can go back through the pictures and decide what they really want. It also helps me when shopping, to have will have a photo of the exact color, design, make and model that the kids had in mind! With such a huge selection of toys at Walmart, this can be hard to do with just a vague description from the kids. I’m hoping that with photo documentation, I can get them just the item they where wishing for!
Step 3: Compile a Wish List- Every year I have my kids write a Christmas wish list, but this year I am doing things a little different… I’m having them write a W.I.S.H. List! I am hoping that this helps them to learn to prioritize and make a reasonable list of things that are most important to them. I’m also hoping that by asking for a few really well thought-out gifts, we can simplify and focus more on time with family, and enjoying the spirit of the season.
W.I.S.H. List
W-wish (one thing that they just really really want)
I- imagination (something creative to do such as legos, art supplies, craft kits, building kits)
S- Story (a new book that they have been wanting)
H- Helpful (a practical item like clothes, shoes, bedding, an educational item)
To make this new W.I.S.H list exciting, I created this printable Christmas Wish List that the kids can fill in, with space for them to stick on the photos that they took of their wishes for gifts! I am hoping that this will make Christmas Shopping easy and organized and will give us more time to spend enjoying time with Family and Friends this holiday season!
Dee says
Great tips! I like taking photos too, especially when it comes to certain building sets and barbies. It’s easier to remember exactly what they want that way. 🙂
Esther Irish says
What a fun printable for young kids! I love it!
Jenn @comebackmomma says
Love your printables. Such a cute idea. I can’t believe how quickly Christmas is coming. Great tips!
Becky L says
Thanks for the printables! My son is only four so this would make such a fun memory book to look back on when he’s older!
Sara P. (@SensiblySara) says
I love that photo WISH list! It’s a great way to keep track of things!
Annette Belnap says
This is a great idea. I love these printables. Thanks!
Katelyn F says
Cute idea for making “WISH” lists. I like it! I think it’s smart to have parameters and limit what kids will get. And to shop early!
Glenndel says
such great tips! thanks for sharing …
Bertha Brown says
Great tips and ideas! I actually had my girls do the same thing by taking photos with toys they wanted when we attended the event. The one we went to had a huge toy selection. The girls had no problem letting us know which toys they wanted this year!!
reesa lewandowski says
Great printable idea!
Jamie says
Love the printable, thank you!
Stephanie Pass says
Great tips! I love the printables, too!
Amanda H says
Love that WISH list! Great idea.
Elaina says
Thanks so much for sharing!