Read about how my big Valentine’s Date plans got foiled, but how our “bit of a bummer” Valentine’s Day helped me to realize that it’s the little things in life that make me want to keep my heart beating strong! This post is sponsored by Campbell Soup Company.
My hubby and I rarely go out on Valentine’s Day. We typically just stay home and make the day all about the kids. But this year was going to be different. We had big plans to go to an adults only Valentine’s Dance. We booked a babysitter weeks in advance, I had an outfit picked out, and I was so excited for an evening of dancing with my sweetheart. Until around 5 PM (an hour before we where due to leave) when my 3 year old spiked a fever and started throwing up all over the place. After a quick phone call to the babysitter and to my hubby, our big Valentine’s Day plans turned into a night of cleaning up puke and cuddling a sick little girl on the couch.
At first I was totally bummed. We had plans! For the first V-day ever… we had real plans! But as I sat on the couch sulking, it hit me! I have 2 kids who love me and need me. I have a sweet little girl who loves her mama so much, that when she is sick, sweet cuddles is all that will make her feel better. I have a kind husband who when he heard about the change in plans didn’t complain, just raced home to help me clean up puke. A hubby who is there for me, not just on Valentine’s Day, but every day…. the good ones, and the pukey ones. That right there, is true love.
I realized at that moment that I had a lot to be grateful for, and that moments like that are my “WHY”! That is WHY I do what I do, each and every day. That is WHY I try to eat healthy, and workout. That is WHY I try to live an active lifestyle. My heart is not just for Valentine’s Day, it’s for every day.
I want to be healthy and active enough so that my heart is strong enough to never miss a beat! I want to have the strength to stay up all night when my kids are sick , or to be healthy enough to take them on a fun hike along the river when we they aren’t. I want my heart to keep beating away through every moment and every memory… good and bad!
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women in the United States. With risk factors steadily on the rise, it has never been more important for women to maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep their hearts beating strong for the ones they love. This is why I try to stay healthy by making small, daily choices to improve my health, like choosing to go out and play ball in the backyard with my kids. I can also switch some of my favorite recipes featuring Campbell’s soups to Campbell’s Healthy Request® varieties that taste just as great but meet the criteria for the American Heart Association’s heart check mark. By making these small daily efforts, I know I am keeping my heart healthy for all of those heart-warming moments in life.
To promote good heart health for women, Campbell Soup Company is launching the “Address Your Heart with Campbell’s Every Day Pinterest sweepstakes” to encourage small steps towards making heart-healthy lifestyle choices every day.
The sweepstakes, lasting throughout the full month of February (American Heart Month) gives you a chance to win a variety of daily prizes from heart-healthy products to bakeware and kitchen utensils with a value of $100 each. One lucky grand prize winner will even get a trip for two to the luxurious Miraval Resort and Spa in Tucson, AZ.
For your chance to win visit the Campbell’s Address Your Heart Website, and fill out the simple entry form. You can then also click “follow” on Pinterest to follow @CampbellsKitchen and pin your favorite recipes with inspiration from the Campbell’s Address Your Heart Every Day Pinterest board. Be sure to check it out today, not just for a chance to win, but to work towards keeping your own heart beating strong for the ones you love.
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