Going from dance class pick up to date-night? Read how I glam-up my everyday makeup look with a few quick makeup tricks that can easily be done on-the go!
I participated in this sponsored campaign on behalf of Victoria JacksonĀ® and One2One Network. All opinions stated are my own.
I am an everyday make-up wearer, and “everyday” is about the best way to describe my typical look. It’s fast, easy, practical and lets me wear makeup yet still get us all out of the door on time for school. I start with some foundation, add a touch of bronzer on my cheeks , slap on a quick layer of mascara, finish up with lip balm and call it good.
But…. there are some times that I like to give my “mommy-look” a bit of a makeover, like if I’m going out for the evening or for date night with the hubby. I like to add a little pizzaz to my practical look, if for no other reason, then to make myself feel a little more glamorous for the night. However, a night out usually means a hectic afternoon trying to get the family what they need, and where they need to be so that I can relax and enjoy the evening. So if like me, you want to “glam it up” in the midst of sport’s practice pick-up, getting homework done, starting dinner and getting the kids babysitter-ready, check out these 3 simple ways to make your practical look, party-ready on even the most hectic of days.
For all of these “practical to party” looks I used the “Survival Kit Day and Night Beauty Mate” from Victoria Jackson. This kit is perfect for busy-day glamorization because it has everything you need in one super portable kit, for a quick makeup look.
This kit is like the Swiss Army knife of makeup! There are all kinds of pull-out drawers and secret compartments, so that this Palm-sized box has absolutely everything that you need to add some glam-on-the-go. It’s perfect to stick in your purse so that if needs be, you can get date-night ready while waiting to pick the kids up from soccer practice, or in the car after work.
Even if you are getting ready at home, the fact that everything that you need is in one spot saves you from rummaging through your makeup box to find all of the right things for your look. I love that having it all together in one place saves me time and hassle on hectic days.
3 Quick Makeup Tricks To Go From Practical to Party

Practical– apply foundation to your entire face and rub into your skin making sure to catch your chin area and hair line. Apply a light bronzer to the top of your cheeks and the middle of your nose to add some color and blend into foundation
Party-ready: Go over your bronzer very lightly with a rose-colored blush and blend in with a brush. The two tones will work together to give a dramatic look.
Practical– while applying your foundation lightly apply a layer over your eyelids and under your eye. Work in very well especially around creases. Quickly apply 2 layers of mascara to the top lashes
Party– Choose 3 colors of eye shadow to apply. To keep things simple I try to keep them all in the same color pallet in a light, medium and darker shade. Apply the light shade over the entire eyelid, then apply the medium shade over the bottom half. You can choose to stop there or put a tiny amount of the dark shade on a brush or your pinkie finger and apply a very light line between your light and dark layers to blend them.
To finish the look I apply 2 fresh layers of mascara to the top lash and bottom lash. On a hectic day, trying to mess with eyeliner is a recipe for disaster, I have a little trick to easily create an eyeliner look. As soon as I have applied my mascara, I quickly blink one eye, leaving a mascara smudge. I then carefully run a tissue under my eye, wiping away all of the smudge except for a thin line running along the bottom of my eye.
Practical– I usually apply a layer of my favorite lip balm with an spf. It leaves a little shimmer on my lips as well as leaving them feeling healthy.
Party– lips are an area that I like to have fun with when it comes to adding some glam. It’s easy to play around with colors and choose something that you are in the mood for that day. I love that the Victoria Jackson Survival Kit has a whole section of different lip colors to play around with.
At the end of a typical day I find that washing with my favorite facial cleanser is sufficient, however after a night of “Party-ready” makeup, I find that I also need to put a little more time into removing it. I really like the Victoria Jackson “gentle eye and face makeup remover” because it is a nice clear-liquid remover (unlike some of the thick “milky” removers I have used in the past.) It takes the makeup of quickly and easily, so that I don’t have raccoon eyes in the morning. I follow up with my regular face wash and call it a night.
For more makeup tips and advice be sure to follow Victoria Jackson on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Also check out their website to find the Survival Kit Day and Night Beauty Mate as well as all of their other great products.
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