If motion sickness is preventing you from enjoying the journey on your family vacations, check out these 5 tips to overcome motion sickness and check out the latest product from my sponsors at Dramamine that can help stop motion sickness before it starts!
I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again, I love road-trips! One of my favorite parts of going on vacation, is getting there. I think the journey is where some of the best memories are made. I love the conversation, the scenery and the cool little rest stops that we always seem to find along the way!
We love to visit the coast on vacation, so living in Northern California, we often find ourselves on the very beautiful, yet very winding coastal highways. The sights of cliffs and ocean views are absolutely breathtaking, making it an amazing place to “enjoy the journey”! The only downfall is… Me. I just can’t handle all of the twists and turns and usually end up missing half of it because I
am closing my eyes, due motion sickness.
On our last vacation to Oxnard, CA, I was determined not to let this happen, so I planned ahead for my car sickness. I wanted to better enjoy the journey. Here are a few of the things I did, that may help out some of my fellow car sickness sufferers.
1. Put away your phone – As a passenger, it might sound fun spend the trip updating your eager social media followers on all of the details of your trip, however I find that nothing flares up my motion sickness faster then staring at my phone or tablet. Just put them away… You are enjoying the journey anyway!
2. Eat light and often – Thinking of fueling up for your trip with a hearty breakfast? Maybe skip the greasy truck-stop meal, and grab a light snack like fruit or a granola bar. Having a full stomach can be a rough way to start out your journey, especially if you are prone to motion sickness. Light foods are easier to digest and won’t leave you with a sick feeling along the way. However, be sure to snack often on fruits, veggies and trail mix to prevent hunger from adding a queasy feeling also.
3. Limit reading – just like using the phone, reading is another sure-fire way for me to trigger motion sickness. Save your latest page-turner for when you are relaxing on the beach. Also, check out my little trick on how to make your kids think you are reading to them in the car, without getting car-sick, as part of my “what to pack for a mess-free, stress-free road trip” post.
4. Hard Candy – I like to pack a couple of bags of hard candy such as peppermints or root-beer barrels, on road trips. I find that if I suck on one at the first signs of queasiness, it can help to squelch the sickness a little.
5. Treat it before you leave – The best way to treat motion sickness is to tackle it before it even becomes an issue . This is now possible with the new Dramamine Non-Drowsy Naturals. I love this product because it has a full clinically-tested dose of ginger, to relieve nausea, queasiness, dizziness and vomiting, naturally. Because it is made from natural ginger it is safe to take on a daily basis and is non-drowsy, so that you are awake, alert and can “enjoy the journey”. Dramamine Non-Drowsy Naturals are available at most major drug and grocery stores in an 18-capsule bottle. For more info be sure to check out the Dramamine website.
Thanks to these tips, our road trip was incredible, and I was able to enjoy the journey with my family, making it a great start to a great family vacation!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Renee says
I’ve heard that covering one eye (i.e. an eye patch) prevents motion sickness, too. Both eyes are needed for depth perception, so don’t do this if you’re the driver.