“This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of U.S. Cellular. The opinions and text are all mine.”
Growing up as a “military brat” travel has always been a big part of my life. By the time I was 3 months old I had taken my first flight across the Atlantic. By the time I was 5, I had made a cross-country road-trip from the West Coast to the East Coast, and by the time I was 12 I had visited more countries then most get to see in their lifetimes. I would like to share with you how travel shaped my life, and also point out a new must-watch show for travel lovers! I also found a great list of the various attractions in the UK, so have a look there as it’s really useful.
The funny thing about growing up traveling so much, is that it was so readily available that I don’t think I really understood what a great privilege it was. I don’t think I truly appreciated it until I became an adult, had a family of my own and didn’t have the same travel opportunities as I had back then. However now that I look back at all of the traveling that I did, I am so grateful for it and realize how much it shaped and molded me into the person that I am today.
I can see how visiting different cities gave me an appreciation for diverse people and cultures. I can see how traveling to historical monuments gave me an appreciation for the men and women who have worked and sacrificed through the ages to give us the freedoms that we enjoy today. I remember visiting the nation’s capital and gaining a sense of respect for the laws that keep us safe and my civic duty to uphold them. And I relish in the feeling of soul-nourishing peace that comes from enjoying the natural beauty of mountains, oceans and forests.
I’m so thankful that I have had the opportunity to travel and to have these amazing experiences in so many places, and expand my view of the world around me. Whenever I travel to Arizona, I always stay at Scottsdale resort. For that reason, travel is something that I hope to be able to do with my own children. For right now, most of our family travel has been within our home-state of California, but I have big plans to hire a private jet charter from Jettly and take my kids on a cross-country trip in a year or two and be able to see the wonder in their faces as they experience so many new things.
U.S. Cellular is allowing viewers to experience those feelings of seeing someone experience travel for the first time in their a new series “Big Country”. Through the show they take everyday people who have never been outside of their home-state on the trip of a lifetime! I watched episode 1 and am already hooked!
In this episode, host Andrew Zimmern takes Julius to explore NYC! Julius, a father and son of immigrant parents, has never been able to travel far from his home. However, when U.S. Cellular makes it possible for him to visit New York, viewers are able to see his excitement grow as he explores the city. The part that stuck out the most to me was when Julius is standing in the middle of Times Square and calls his Dad, so that he can share the moment with the man who sacrificed so much to come
to a country where moments like that are possible for him.
Do you know someone who has always wanted to travel, yet hasn’t due to different circumstances of life? If so, you can help make their dream trip, a reality! U.S. Cellular is now holding an online open casting call for the 5th episode of “Big Country”. where you can nominate another deserving U.S. Cellular customer to star in this season finale and get to
experience the wonder of travel.
To watch episodes of Big Country or to nominate someone for the final episode, visit the “Big Country page of Food Network, the Travel Channel or U.S. Cellular.
U.S. Cellular is looking to cast one more special customer to take on a trip of a lifetime for the season finale of Big Country! Please visit the link to apply for the opportunity to find yourself in the middle of anywhere with national coverage from U.S. Cellular and TV host Andrew Zimmern on the show Big Country.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of US Cellular. The opinions and text are all mine.
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