It has been far too long since we have had a family movie night with themed treats and games. I figured the DVD/Blu-ray release of Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron would be the perfect time to catch up and have some fun. Because my little one is still too young for this action packed movie, I let her in on the food prep, games and chowing down, but brought her back to my room for some one on one time while the big boys had friends over to watch the movie. With the help of Disney, I was able to put together a pretty sweet themed movie night with Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Before the fun, I decided an Avengers pizza was in order. I prepped the pizza crust before allowing the boys to depict the Avengers logo out of pepperoni. I think they did pretty well with what they had to work with.
I whipped up some mini mjolnir Thor hammers out of Rice Krispies Treats, pretzel rods and melting chocolate. I think they turned out pretty cute, and they were definitely tasty. Why wouldn’t they be – it’s Rice Krispies Treats and chocolate?
While I was in the kitchen taking care of feeding our bellies, the kids had a blast (more than I thought possible for their age) playing with a bunch of Avengers paraphernalia. My kiddos divided up the Iron Man Arc FX Armor, Thor Hammer (mjolnir) and Hulk Hands, Marvel Hawkeye Longshot Bow and Captain America Socks.
I was going to point out which gadgets and toys were the favorite, but as I sat here and thought about it, I couldn’t single one out! The Iron Man armor actually lights up in one hand, and has sound effects. For being such a tiny bow, that Nerf action really has some power, and is super easy to use. I know my big boy will be sporting the Captain America socks on a regular basis, too.
Let’s not forget what all this fun was about. Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron was released on DVD and Blu-ray on October 2nd. Pick up your copy and host a fun movie night of your own. Tag #cleverhousewife on social media so I can see how you throw a themed movie night!
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