I’m the proud owner of an 1878 Victorian home, which I’m told is the oldest house in town. I love my house and all the history and stories held within the walls. A big old house doesn’t come without it’s issues, and cleaning it is one of them! This house collects dust like nobody’s business. Most of our home has the original hard wood floors, and they’re beautiful and add so much character. I thought I’d share some tips to maintain beautiful wood floors, as mine have been maintained for 139 years!
Because my house is so big and daunting to clean, I’m so grateful for Swiffer products, which make cleaning a breeze. The proper cleaning products aren’t the only thing to consider when caring for your floors, and maintaining them for years to come. With these tips, your floors are sure to last as mine have.
Facelift – Every 5-7 years it’s a good idea to give your floors a little facelift. Have them sanded and give them a coat or two of finish. Wood can deteriorate so it’s a good idea to give it a little attention now and then, to freshen it up.
Maintenance Coat – Every 3-5 years, add a maintenance coat to keep those wood floors looking fresh. If your floors don’t get a lot of wear, you may be able to go longer between coats. It’s a good idea to peek under rugs and check the floor by windows, to make sure sun damage (or lack thereof) isn’t occurring. If so, you may need to add extra maintenance coats.
Furniture protection – furniture is heavy and can certainly scuff up wood floors. Make sure the feet of your sofa and tables have felt pads, so when you decide to rearrange the furniture, the floors don’t get damaged.
Know your floors – It’s important to know what type of floors you have and what type of finish they have on them. The type of cleaner you should use on your floors will depend on the floor’s finish. Swiffer is safe to use on finished floors, but not recommended on unfinished, waxed or oiled wood floors.
Water protection – Small spills can turn into a stain or spread into something bigger. Keep absorbent cloths nearby and wipe up spills when they happen. The Swiffer WetJet is also an easy way to cover a large area in a short amount of time.
WetJet Don’t Wet-Mop – as part of water protection, it’s important not to clean the floors with too much liquid. To prevent moisture damage, the Swiffer WetJet is perfect for locking in the dirt and giving your floors a quick and clean look.
Regular cleanings – if you are lucky enough to have beautiful wood floors, let’s keep them that way with regular cleanings. Use dry first, and wet second. The Swiffer Sweeper is great for trapping all the dust that wood floors (especially old ones like mine) like to collect. Eliminate debris with the dry sweep and finish the floors off with the WetJet. Just the right amount of moisture to get the clean look your floors deserve.
Finish off with a rug – Rugs not only help tie the look of the place together, but they help prevent loose debris from being dragged through the house and across the floors.
With these wood floor maintenance tips, hopefully your floors will be enjoyed for hundreds of years to come.
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