Between New Year’s resolutions and approaching spring cleaning, I thought it was time for me to get my house in order. My husband would say I’m a tad OCD, but I don’t exactly love to clean so that can create quite the dilemma and angst for me. Through trial and error, I’ve come up with some tips for a clean house fast. Hopefully these tips can help you get your house in order, pain free, on a regular basis.
I firmly believe it’s not the mom’s job to clean the house by herself, or the dad’s job, but should be a joint effort for all family members. Teaching the kids to clean is important and can help lessen the burden and time it takes you to get the house in order. No matter who you have in your house, these tips should be able to help.
First, I think it’s important to have a cleaning caddy for all areas of the house. I have three caddies: one for the kitchen, one for the bathrooms and one for bedrooms and living areas. I’ve taught the kids how and what to use out of each caddy, for each area so when they get assigned a room, they just have to grab a caddy and get to work. Here is what I have in each caddy:
- Cascade Platinum ActionPacs for the dishwasher
- Dawn Dish Soap (I just keep this by the sink) for a good clean of those grimy pots and pans, and other dishes.
- Microfiber washcloths
- Mr. Clean Magic Erasers for tough to clean spots on the stove and appliances
- Swiffer Duster for window seals, appliances and cabinets
- Antibacterial spray
- Febreze Air Freshener
- Microfiber washcloths
- Mr. Clean Magic Erasers for tough to clean spots on doorjambs and around the toilet
- Antibacterial spray
- Toilet bowl cleaner
- Febreze Air Freshener
Bedrooms/Living Areas:
- Microfiber washcloths
- Antibacterial spray
- Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
- Swiffer Duster for window seals, furniture and ceiling fans
- Febreze Fabric to freshen any furniture and/or blankets
In addition to the caddies, I have a Swiffer Sweeper and Swiffer WetJet downstairs and upstairs, for a quick clean of the floors.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind, to aid in getting that quick clean so you can spend more time enjoying those you love, and doing the things you love.
- The night before cleaning day, have everyone in the house do a pickup to organize the clutter.
- Have everyone strip their beds in the morning, and place their linens in the laundry room. Move laundry along between cleaning rooms.
- Once you start a room, don’t leave that room until it’s complete.
- Clean the shower when you’re in the shower. This saves time and you’re already wet!
Don’t let those New Year’s resolutions of keeping a clean house go by the wayside. These easy tips for a clean house fast will help reduce the stress and have you on your way to more fun!
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