Bend Me Shape Me Any Way You Want Me – you got the power to turn on the FUN! Pocoyo’s Swiggle Traks is literally a new twist on the classic play trak geared towards preschoolers. It’s made by Bandai America Incorporated to go along with the popular preschool TV program Pocoyo. SwiggleTraks is being touted as the Must Have toy for 2011. It’s already receiving all kinds of awards and recognitions.
SwiggleTraks feature colorful , flexible track pieces that fit together very easily for little hands. It comes with a motorized, musical vehicle and a movable bridge. The system is easily added to and the bonus is that your creative options are numerous. SwiggleTraks encourage independent play, and also encourages fine motor skills. My 2 ½ yr needed a bit of help putting the track pieces together on her own, but was able to manipulate it independently. I can see how a 3 yr old would be able to do it on their own. My older kids had fun playing with their little sister and showing her how it worked.
You can watch SwiggleTraks in action on this video below:
Toy Insider, an annual holiday toy guide that’s published in Woman’s Day Magazine has named Pocoyo’s SwiggleTraks as one of the “Hot 20 Toys for Holiday 2011. You can see the Woman’s Day Article here.
My kids love putting together connectible toys, which fosters their creativity and adds longevity to their toy interest because of the changeable features of this kind of toy. Not only does the SwiggleTrak meet the criteria but the motorized vehicle adds to the fun, as well. They get to create, then watch their creation perform.
The Pocoyo line of toys also includes bath toys, plush toys, and Bump & Go Vehicles all featuring the characters from the TV Show – Pocoyo, Elly the elephant, Loula the dog, and Pato the duck. My kids love the TV Show – and I think it’s super cute.
Check out the video and see if you don’t agree that this is possibly the best new preschooler toy to come along in a while.
This giveaway will end at 11:59pm on 11/20.
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1. Subscribe to my feed by e-mail or by Feedburner, then leave a separate comment here telling me that you do. If you subscribe by e-mail, be sure to check your e-mail and activate your account, for your entry to count.
2. Follow Pocoyo on Twitter.
3. Follow Clever Housewife on Twitter and tweet “Enter to win 1 set of Pocoyo Swiggle Traks from @Pocoyo and @CleverHousewife” Be sure to come back here to tell me that you’ve done it.
4. “Like” Clever Housewife on Facebook. Be sure to leave another comment here telling me that you’ve done so.
5. “Like” Pocoyo on Facebook. Come back here and let me know you have complete this step.
6. Update your facebook status to the following: “Enter to win 1 set of Pocoyo Wiggle Traks @Pocoyo and @CleverHousewife” Be sure to come back here to tell me that you’ve done it.
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*By entering this giveaway, you are agreeing to the Official Sweepstakes Rules.
Pocoyo’s SwiggleTraks provided me with this toy to help facilitate my review. All opinions expressed are my own.
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