I cannot believe how close we are to Back to School time! My kids start back in just 2 weeks! With back to school comes the expenses of all of the school supplies. I have some great back to school tips for saving on school supplies, which I hope will be of some help in your shopping endeavors.
Shop end-of-summer sales!
Depending on your weather and where you live, you may be able to keep wearing summer clothes clear through November. Shopping end-of-summer sales can save you a heap of cash.
Only buy what’s on the list!
Trust me, there are plenty of school supplies on the list. So wait until you get it, and then try to stick with it. While Susie may just have to have that $6 folder, if you give in to the “must” haves a few times, that can easily add up to $20.
Shop at trusted stores.
Once Upon a Child and other similar stores stock gently used name-brand items at a fraction of the cost. If second hand isn’t your style, remember to check out Children’s Place, Old Navy, and Gap Kids for sales.
Check the circulars.
Office Max, Office Depot, Target, Wal-Mart, and other stores are all fighting for your Back to School business. Make them work for it! Check out each of their ads to find the cheapest prices.
And do not forgot about the free kids’ haircuts, during August!
You can find a few more tips over at Adventures of a Couponista!
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