Advertising and marketing can be such a tricky thing, but can be crucial in how people see a brand. I personally cannot stand a boring commercial. It doesn’t make me favor a brand in any way. However, something that is memorable will stick in my mind, which is what a brand typically wants. Endust has been dusting their thinking caps and have come up with some very funny, and slightly risque commercials. Let me just warn you that these commercials are meant more for nighttime, as they may not be appropriate for younger eyes.
I would like to introduce you to the Dustersons. Check out the commercial and come back to finish the post.
So – did you chuckle or grin?
Endust will be adding new videos in the next few months, so if you liked that one, then you will likely enjoy the ones to come.
Did you notice the $2 coupon at the end of the video? You can save a whopping $2 on Endust just by watching, liking and sharing the video. If you don’t want to like and share, you can at least get a $1 Endust coupon.
Are you feeling the stress of the holidays like Debbie in the video? I think I’ve done pretty well on a personal/family front. On the business end – yeah, a tad stressed. With Cyber Monday and lots of deal posting and hunting, things get a little crazy. I will say that I am like Debbie in that I cannot stand a messy house. It puts me at ease, and in a much more relaxed mood if the house is picked up, and even dusted! I can’t decide who is more like Doug though – my husband or me. We both have a bit of a goofy side, and I could totally picture my husband acting like Doug, if he was in the right mood.
Many of you know that I recently had my house cleaned, as my birthday gift, but MANY surfaces were not dusted. Thank goodness I was just sent a box of Endust to remedy the problem. Endust works so fast, which helps allow me to get to something more enjoyable and important. I do not like to spend a lot of time cleaning, so this is a bonus.
What would you do to “Start Living” once you “End Dust?”
Are you the type to let chores hold you back from having fun? I am double-sided because I can definitely be spontaneous and pick up and leave things as they are, for fun. At the same token, there are many times where I cannot stand to leave the house when it is in such disarray. How about you?
To learn more about Endust, check out their Facebook and Twitter pages.
sherrie says
LOL that was