Dinner in a Snap or Lunch on-the-go with Barilla Microwaveable Meals
School is in full swing, and so are the extra curricular activities. Between homework, gymnastics, soccer and scouts, there are becoming more and more nights where I need dinner in a snap or lunch on-the-go. Barilla, the pasta brand, recently introduced a new way to eat healthy on-the-go. Every mother’s dream right?
Lunch is one of those meals that I have always struggled with. I am the youngest in my family, and eating out for lunch is something I have done with my parents often. I no longer live with my parents, but we still meet up for lunches, or I will go out on my own. This isn’t very healthy or cost effective. I sometimes dread the thought of having to make myself a ham and cheese sandwich, or some of the same lunch options at home. It’s not just the food, but it’s always the clean up. I feel like I have just gotten my house cleaned up from breakfast and children, and don’t want to mess any of it up again. Eating out is so much more convenient, and I don’t have to clean up the mess!
This past week, I made a goal to only eat out once per week. This is going to be a challenge for me, but between my Nutrisystem meals and now my Barilla options, I should be set.
Barilla has released their new Barilla Microwaveable Meals, which make for a healthier option for a quick-fix lunch. Here are some of the perks and benefits:
100% Natural Ingredients
No preservatives
Relatively low calories (only 320 calories per meal)
Two whole grain options
More cost effective
While I like to eat out a lot, I know it isn’t the best option for me, or my family. I often wonder what my habits are doing to my children. I need to get this under control now, so they don’t crave eating out as much as I do. I truly believe in the importance of eating healthy, and want to pass that onto my children. Even while eating out, I try to get healthier options, but it’s just not the same.
Barilla brings you the high quality, all-natural meals your family has loved for generations and fits them into your fast paced lifestyle. There are five varieties of Barilla Microwaveable Meals to choose from. I have even fed these to my kids and they were a huge hit! While you are on the Barilla site, be sure to find the downloadable coupon to try Barilla Microwaveable Meals for yourself. You can learn more about Barilla, on their facebook page.
Now for the giveaway! One Clever Housewife reader will win 5 Barilla coupons, to try the products for free! This giveaway is open to the US only, and will end at 12:01am ET, on 9/25. To enter, fill out the form below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Barilla and received product samples and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”
elaine smith says
dinner b/c i always forget to take something out
Lori Thomas says
Dinner is sometimes a hassle, running out of ideas of stuff to make
Debi Payne says
Dinner is hard for me. My husband’s taste have changed a lot since his stroke 2 yrs ago. And since he is unable to talk he can’t tell me what he wants. I am always looking for new ideas.
Christina Domingue says
lunch.. i never know what to cook
melissa fowler says
Jessica says
Breakfast! I hate serving cold cereal and until I bought a waffle iron, I was spending a fortune on frozen waffles from the grocery store. My daughter only likes waffles and fruit for breakfast, but I would love more ideas for first thing in the morning!
Rachel Brumbaugh says
lunch. especially after they stsrt school, its really hard to plan a healthy and easy one for my 3 growing boys. I would love to not resort to frozen pizza.
Rachel Brumbaugh says
lunch. especially after they stsrt school, its really hard to plan a healthy and easy one for my 3 growing boys. I would love to not resort to frozen pizza.
Laurie says
Right now i deciding what’s for dinner. Would love to win these. Thank you…: )
Brenda says
Breakfast is what I struggle with, it’s easier to run through McD’s than grab something on the way out the door.
Katie P. says
I also struggle with lunch.
Leanne coz says
I love that they are all natural and that they have whole grain options
Karen R says
Dinner because I have to please everyone.
Michele B says
I biggest thinking problem is remembering to plan Supper before suppertime
Christine A. says
Dinner since it always comes too soon and I want to accomplish a goal before then.
marianne says
Lunch cause I never know what to cook or have!
Kristy D says
Dinner- the kids are so picky and I feel too worn out to cook.
Emily Lyon says
That is my biggest problem too Michele!
Andrea D. says
I struggle with eating lunch but have to remember to get everything out for dinner.
Helen says
I struggle with it all! Breakfast, lunch and dinner! Preparing meals is just not my thing!
Christina says
I struggle with breakfast and lunch the most… both for the same reason, busy and not enough time to fix myself something good/healthy to eat! It was easier during the summer but now that we are back to school I am struggling.
Megan M says
Carol W says
i struggle with dinner most, I feel like its always the same old thing. thanks
Gina H. says
Alicia Ponce says
Dinner, it’s always a rushed event with a busy after school schedule
Erin Hanson says
I struggle with dinner the most..I have 2 kids that have special needs and with that they are picky about what they eat..either is a taste thing or a testure thing..but I struggle with a good hot meal for get that have autism.
Maralea says
Jennifer H says
Lunch comes too quickly.. to think!
jan cargill says
I am so out of ideas for something new!! This would sooooooo help me!
rebecca day says
Dinner, it’s always a rushed event
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
I struggle most with lunches…it’s hard to be creative and not get bored.
Lethea B says
Lunch! It always seems quicker to grab a yogurt or sandwich.
Donna L says
Dinner. I try to find recipes because I’m tired of making the same meals over and over.
jennifer wexler says
i struggle with lunch
Janice says
dinner, especially after a hard day’s work load
Kristen says
I’d say breakfast.
Ruth Anderson says
dinner sometimes I just have a bowl of cereal.
Heather! says
I struggle with breakfast because I can rarely bring myself to eat it. I am not hungry in the mornings, so I almost always skip breakfast. I need to change that, but I don’t really know how to do.
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
matthew b says
i struggle with late night meals. instead of making good food i just snack. UGH!
wendi m says
I think supper is the hardest for me
Jeanette Mays says
I don’t eat Breakfast very often, and lunch is once in a while. I always eat dinner :). Thank you for the chance.
Sonya says
Lunch is a the biggest struggle for me. I am usually trying to get stuff done around the house.
Amber says
Lunch – I never know what to make and we usually wind up eating leftovers.
Heather Wone says
I struggle with breakfast and new ideas. My family was not big on breakfast so I am trying to break that habit for my own family!
Shelley C. says
dinner since the kids are under foot.
marianne anthony says
All meals are difficult for me because I have rheumatoid a arthritis and lots of the time I am unable to move about and get dinner together. These meals are so great because my husband can come in and pop them in the microwave himself.
bethanny says
Dinner is the hardest.
Masooma says
Dinner is always hard for me because I have very little time after work and before kids’ bedtime!
neidra says
i would have to say breakfast. i can never wake up on time.
missyj says
I have problems making chicken dishes, everytime I try my chicken ends up being dry
Jeni Mitchell says
Dinner…I know of a lot of things to make that are easy, fast, and taste great, but the problem is I tend to skip breakfast and lunch and end up eating a late lunch and then get hungry before bed. So I think maybe my answer is none, as in no meals, but rather the problem is my schedule.