I am officially starting week 2 in the #iheartOmron Fitness Challenge, and I’m feeling pretty good. My daily workout plan has helped a ton, I believe. My muscles are starting to loosen up and exercising is getting a bit easier. I was so stiff those first couple of days, but things are feeling better. I thought I would write today to fill you in on the changes I have made, and what things I am doing to try to adapt a healthier lifestyle.
For starters, I have really upped my exercise. I started a daily workout plan that I got permission to share with you. I know that many of you have goals to get more fit, healthier, and/or drop some pounds, so I’d love to help in any way I can. The workout was created by @MrBookieboo, so give him a shout out and a thanks if you get a moment.
This week’s workout:
Each circuit should be completed 4 times in a daily workout:
Upper Body
Warm-up: Foot Fires 1.5 mins
Pushups x12
Bent-over Dumbbell Row x12
Dumbbell Shoulder Press x12
Triceps Kickbacks x12
Dumbbell Curls x12
Lower Body
Warm-up: Foot Fires 1.5 mins
Dumbbell Step-up – 1 minute
Dumbbell Lateral Step-up – 1 min each leg
Dumbbell Deadlifts x12
Calf Raises x12
Total Body (This one is killer)
Warm-up: Foot Fires 1.5 mins
Burpees x12
Bicycle Crunches x20
Dumbbell Thrusters x12
Plank – 45 seconds
Kick and Lunge x15
I’d love for you to workout along with me this week and we can compare notes at the end of the week! Take your measurements and weight so you can get a good assessment for what the workouts are doing for you. Remember, you will be gaining muscle too!
In addition to the daily weights, I have added 40-60 minutes of jogging each evening. Working up a good sweat with some cardio always makes me feel better, and like I am being super productive. The jogging is what helps me reach my goal of 10,000 steps each day, using my Omron Fitness Tri-Axis USB Pedometer (HJ-323U) to track my steps. Not only does it track how many steps I take each day, but it keeps track of aerobic steps, steps per minute, calories burned and distance. Simply connect it via USB to Omronfitness.com and track goals by week/month/year. I can log into my Omron Fitness dashboard and keep track of how I am doing with my steps. This pedometer is supposed to be one of the most accurate ones out there because it counts strides and not all movement. So if it gets put into a bag and gets bounced around, that may not count. No false sense of how many steps you’ve actually taken. You’ve got to do the real work!
This week I lost another 3.6 lbs, for a total of 4.2 lbs down since the start of the challenge. Surely I’ve got to be gaining muscle, and I think my measurements are getting smaller too. Hoping for bigger numbers this week. With travel mixed in there, it might be tough, but I’m going to try my hardest. Are you with me?
This post is sponsored Omron Fitness as a collaboration with Bookieboo Blogging Network and Mamavation – a community dedicated to weight loss for women and obesity prevention for families. I was provided with product and compensation for my time and honest opinions.
jennydecki says
WooHoo! I love getting my cardio in, too. Even with my walking I still find that sometimes I’m pacing my house at the end of the day, though!
sophieandmomma says
where do you find out more on his fitness work outs? I love the way he just schedules it all out and would love to print out more of his fitness regimen!
Emily Lyon says
At this time, I don’t know if they are posted anywhere online. He created them for our fitness challenge.