Barbie’s Pregnant Kid Sister? While browsing on Pinterest this afternoon, I came across a photo of a pregnant Barbie. It brought up lots of questions in my head as to whether or not I thought the doll was appropriate, and would I let my daughter play with it? I decided to do a little google…
Giving Birth After Infant Loss
Giving Birth After Infant Loss My last post on infant loss discussed the decision to get pregnant after losing a baby. If you haven’t already, you can read from the beginning of my story (<–click to read) where I discovered there was something wrong with my baby, and then delivered at 30 weeks, to only have…
Pregnancy After Child Loss
It has been a while since I have talked about my story of losing Gianna. I thought it was time to add to it with my pregnancy after child loss. Just a reminder that this is a continuation of my story from 4 years ago. If you would like to start at the beginning of…
Getting Pregnant After Infant Loss
It has been quite some time since my last post about baby Gianna. Some people have said they feel like my story is incomplete, so I thought it was time I added to my story with the decision of getting pregnant after infant loss. If you would like to start at the beginning of my…
The Birth and Death of My Baby Girl (Photos)
It’s about time I finish up my story of infant loss, with the birth and death of my baby girl. To tell you the truth, it’s not really a story that ever ends. Once a mother loses a child, that loss will always stay with her. The pain lessens over time, but that baby is…
Appointment with the Pediatric Cardiologist: Ventricular Septal Defect In My Unborn Baby Girl
This is a continuation of my story of infant loss, from 4 years ago. If you’d like to read from the beginning, you can start with Finding Out There Is Something Wrong With My Baby. At my last appointment with the Perinatologist, I received my amniocentesis results, which stated that my baby girl WAS NOT…
Held Up In Bed, Full Of Tears And Grief
This is the next part of my story of grief and infant loss. My last post talked about my visit to the Perinatologist, where I had an amniocentesis done. If you want to start at the beginning of my story about the loss of my baby girl Gianna, you can read, Finding Out There Is…
Finding Out There Is Something Wrong With My Baby
Well, it is time I share my story of loss. Four years ago tomorrow, I decided to take my first baby girl off of life support. I can’t believe it has been 4 years! While all of my other children are growing and changing, sometimes I still feel like I am back to those months…