As a big doggy and pet lover, my daughter loves the new Polly Pocket Playtime Pet Shop. Since we don’t currently have a pet, Little Girl can live vicariously through Polly as a Pet Shop Owner! In this playset comes a Polly, 8 pets, pet food, leashes, chew toys, pet carrier and cash register. This is all in addition to the Pet Shop of course!
Little Girl is able to use Polly to pamper and groom the pets in the grooming station. Polly can stand in place as she gives the pets a bath, complete with towel and shampoo. I find the foot strap type contraption very cool, as it can hold Polly in place. This way you can use Polly’s hands to bathe the pets. It really frees you up to do more with the toys.
A fun feature of the Polly Pocket Playtime Pet Shop is the treat dispenser. Pull a small lever and out comes a pet treat. Be careful though, as the treats are very small and might be easily lost. I would try to adhere to the age minimum on this toy, which is 4+, to help prevent missing pieces, as many are very small.
To help bring Polly Pocket to life, you can check out the new Polly Pocket, Friends Finish First, DVD. This DVD has a fast paced 22 minute episode that really helps to show every little girl what Polly would be like if she could talk! I find it so fun when kids can experience their toys in a new way, by bringing them to life. I do wish the DVD was a bit longer.
You might recall that my last Polly Pocket review was of the Polly Pocket Hangout House, which has all of the pieces with suction cups on them. Not only were their suction cups, but the Polly pieces were a bit larger. The Playtime Pet Shop does not have the suction pieces, which was a bit disappointing. While the pieces and features of the Pet Shop are adorable, I love the toys that have the suction pieces, because I feel their chances of getting lost are less. The pieces in this set are very small and may easily get lost in a thick carpet or other tricky hiding places that children seem to have.
“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Mattel Polly Pocket. I received a product samples and a promotional item as a thank-you for participating.”
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